Extreme Homeless Man Makeover

Posted in VIDEO       1 Aug 2013       7624       9


Mr. Ree 11 year s ago
This is the douchebag that does those 'do you lift' videos. If he really wanted to help a homeless person, he'd do so without video recording it and posting it on the Internet. He's STILL a douchebag IMO.

LOLMASTER5000 11 year s ago
Whilst I've seen this guy in many videos where he is an ATOMIC troll, it's great he did this for this guy. I think that anyone who can afford to do something like this, even to a lesser degree, for deserving people like this should do so. But not showboat about it to gain fame or praise, it needs to be totally selfless
gigantes 11 year s ago
i don't mind that he shot a self-aggrandising video, but if he really wanted to help the guy, he would follow up with helping to put the guy's huge useful skill set to work.

spending a few hundred bucks to make the guy feel good for one day is worse than useless without the followup IMO.
LOLMASTER5000 11 year s ago
Yes, that is true - the guy claimed he had a great range of practical skills. A bit of research could be done on his behalf to try and find him some employment.

Also, I wonder what his story is.
jason.sweet.96 11 year s ago
A lot of people are in the same situation and need help. I have a campaign going to trying to get my teeth fixed as well but I've only raised $1. My campaign is here, like theirs: http://igg.me/at/JDSweet/x/4088641
csf3lih 11 year s ago
I thought he's gonna get him a job.
neroyoung1 11 year s ago
I would just say... Think before you post negative comments and answer,

"How many homeless people you helped yet ?".

I am just happy that he made the day of homeless person no matter what his intention behind this video is. God bless him for his work.
gigantes 11 year s ago
i've helped my share of homeless people, chatted with them sometimes, and always try to give them their dignity if they're not causing a problem or something. indeed, any person in life who asks for help and isn't trying to scam me, i will gladly help. i don't need to hit the internet and lecture people and talk about my religion to make myself feel better about the deal. the act itself is the reward.

IMO this guy is an asshole. he treats the homeless guy like a kid, makes a big show out of it, and doesn't seem to do anything substantive to improve the guy's actual situation. see "ted williams story" for helping someone in a more useful way.
travis.nickey 11 year s ago
The only douchebags are the ones with negative comments about this video. When did you do something for a homeless person or go out of your way to help someone? His life revolves around a video camera so why wouldn't he film this? He made the mans day and a good video came of it that will hopefully hit home for some people and make them realize it's good to give to the less fortunate. Everyone is so damn selfish these days it makes me sick.


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