MrTroll 11 year s ago
When I look at these, all I see, is that this is the future of the human species. A small portion of the population living a luxurious life while the rest slave away not knowing that they are trapped in a life where they will never rise above poverty.
The game is rigged against you from the very start, and the only way to survive, is to cheat or bullshit your way through everything :3
You can work hard and try to live an honest life, but you are not likely to get very far by playing by the rules.
laughinggas 11 year s ago
No matter how much wealth they have, they're still not free and under the rule of a communist party.
Mr. Ree 11 year s ago
These comparisons threads all seem to have the same theme - wealth is evil.
That's bullshit.
Just about everyone strives to make/get more money so that they can live a better life. Virtually no one strives to make less money and live poorer than they already do.

Extreme poverty is horrible, but most countries do have some sort of governmental/public assistance programs to help those that need help. Many "poor" people are that way due to their own poor lifestyle choices, mental illnesses, and/or laziness.
There's nothing wrong or immoral about being successful in life, especially if you earn your way to the top instead of winning it or having it given to you.
Cancamuso 11 year s ago
I live in China. Most of these pictures are just bullshit. Why?

Because these migrant workers don't pay for the rent, or food. Their employers pay for everything and of course, cheapest shit.

You could think that is bad. But after 4 months they spend all their earned salary in an iPhone 4S, 5 (now 5C, 5S) or a Galaxy Note II.

Meaning what? I'm not poor, not rich either. I can eat for 2 $ or 30, and that's my choice. And if I know the place, a 2 $ meal is healthier and better than the 30$ one.

And about the fucking toilets... No one stops you from going to the toilet in any of the shops of Sanlitun (shopping area in Beijing where the app store is).

About freedom... If you guys think you are free you are just dumb fucking stupid fools. There is no freedom. There are limits and ways to overrule them (money, beauty, intelligence, etc.).
Johny 11 year s ago

"(L) A family walks past a street vendor selling women's clothes in a market for migrant workers in Beijing and (R) a woman paying her bill at a foreign luxury brand's boutique in Beijing."

Poignant Photos Highlight China’s Massive Wealth Gap

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