An arthropod is a creature that has an external skeleton, segmented body parts and jointed appendages. They include insects, arachnids and crustaceans and there are over a million species of arthropods in the world. Here are some amazing images that capture the creatures up close.
Unknown Wasp
Yellow Jacket Mimic Fly
Female Northern Black Widow Spider
The Endangered Karner Blue
Melissodes dentiventris
Beetle on glass
Black Horse Fly
Augochlora regina
Oblong-winged katydid
Lasioglossum nr longifrons
Lace Bug
Rove Beetle
Trypoxylon mexicanum
Centris haemorrhoidalis
Cone Head
Agapostemon coloradinus
Leptochilus acolhuus
Harlequin Bug Eggs
Polistes metricus
Spider Wasp
Gryllus species
Hoplitis truncata
Deer Fly
Drepanaporus collaris
Triepeolus donatus
Drepanaporus collaris
Trypoxylon mexicanum
Yellow Jacket Mimic Fly
Pearl Crescent
Camel Cricket
Harlequin Bug Nymphs
Lachnopus guerinii
Bombus griseocollis
Coelioxys sayi
Unknown Spider
Brown marmorated stinkbug
Osmia sandersoneae
Dianthidium curvatum