After old Tiger's Stadium was demo'd, it was rescued by a local group of Corktowners who maintained the landkeeping, maintenance, and improvements on the grounds. Pickup games are held on the weekends, and the local little league practices on the field.
More blacks = higher crime rates (especially violent crime).
BTW, This is true of just about any city in the USA.
By the way? Detroit's downfall had nothing to do with their minority population. It had instead, everything to do with the automotive industry and General Motors Unions. Once GM left? So did the money. Once all that corrupt Union money was gone? So was their local and state lobby honey-money. What's left isn't the fault of race. It's the fault of greed. And not from any corporation, mind you. Rather, from Americans from all races who chose their own private pocket over progress.
(Don't you just love the irony here of that ignorant Union ideology? They fight for fairness for workers by biting the corporation that's feeding them only to kill the corporation due to their own Unions greed and pocketing kick-back money too from the -cough *underworld* cough- . Tell me who's corrupt here? lol It would be funny were it not so sad.)
GM wanted to stay in Detroit, their Union wanted too much. It was more lucrative to out-source than continue to pay under the table to corrupt politicians kick backs, pay Union heads hush funds and pay Union workers wages they didn't earn nor produce. So GM packed up and moved out. Detroit went more downhill from there since all the real dregs of society followed the money with their Unions elsewhere. But whoa!! They couldn't get jobs elsewhere! DUH! Because they proved with their production record that they couldn't qualify for jobs in a demanding market! lol Got love Karma.
Welcome to the new U.S.A. Mr. Ree. If you blame a race of people, you're the problem with America. Why? Because it's easier for simple minded people like you to blame one thing instead of really knowing what's wrong and helping to correct it. You can't handle understanding what's wrong and have no idea why, so you choose ignorant and insulting commentary.