Describing your trip to Wal-Mart:
When you’re hungover and someone mentions brunch:
When the pizza delivery guy rings the doorbell:
When you were little and you heard a curse word:
Slow jamming until you get to the part of the song you like:
When you can smell your neighbors having a BBQ:
When someone interrupts your daydreaming with a real-world question:
When you want something, but the price is too high:
Leaving work on a Friday:
When the quiet friend in your group makes a good comeback:
When a little kid is telling you a story and you can’t understand them:
When your boss emails you on the weekend:
Remembering the leftover dessert you have in the fridge:
When someone you haven’t seen in a while is looking good:
When you order clothes online and they fit perfectly:
Attempting to cook breakfast:
When your significant other complains about your tiny faults:
Finding fries in the bottom of the McDonalds bag:
What you want to do when you say something embarrassing at a party:
Trying to run away from your problems:
When your girlfriend asks, “Which one of my friends do you find most attractive:”