Turn your coffee maker into a hot dog stand.
You don’t need clean clothes when you have cold beer.
Use a tennis racket as a Chef Boyardee straine.
Hide your notes under your stockings.
Get fancy and creative with plastic wine glasses.
Build a hot tub in your dorm room.
Make plenty of room for activities.
Stay hydrated.
Be opportunistic with water features.
Irons should be used properly.
… as with computer accessories.
The old chair-turned-into-a-desk trick.
Kitchen utensils should always be improvised.
Tests are based on how sneaky you are.
Use hangers as curtain hooks.
The college christmas tree.
Travel in packs.
Heat a pan with your iron and use it to iron your shirt.
Beats by Mr. Clean
Heineken light fixtures are a centerpiece for your dorm.
Waterproof your phone with all the condoms you’re not using.
Don’t chop your food the hard way, chop your food the totally unsafe but faster way.
And of course, no college dorm would be complete without BCSH.