These images will appeal to people who have a little bit of an obsessive need for things to be perfect!
The way these shirts are arranged.
This fence after a snowy day.
The way this Snickers bar fits in the change holder.
This perfectly looped ocean wave GIF.
This perfectly fitting cheese on toast.
This 747 undercarriage folding and stowing.
Taking your rent money out of the ATM and every bill is facing the correct direction.
This moment of symmetry in an otherwise chaotic universe.
A perfect glass of cider.
This highly effective way of turning trees to dust.
These vineyards in Slovenia.
A set of organized wires.
The way this is cut to perfection.
The sexiest chair stack you've ever seen.
The perfect spoonful of peanut butter.
This match made in heaven.
This rainbow of satisfaction.
This perfectly fitting Kiss.