
A Stunning Collection of Drone Aerial Shots Taken Worldwide (38 pics)

Posted in PICDUMPS       8 Apr 2015       7445       GALLERY VIEW

This person spent two years shooting aerial shots around the world using a drone camera. Here are a few of the best ones.


"Church on Spilled blood, St. Petersburg. In the early days (2013) you could fly drones pretty well anywhere."

"The Hermitage Pavilion, St. Petersburg in autumn mist. I can't see what the camera is seeing. People find that weird but I quite like the suspense of not knowing what I have until I get the camera in hand."

"Visitors walk on fallen leaves in the Summer Garden, central St. Petersburg’s oldest Park."

"The neatly arranged suburbs around Sagrada Familia. Octagonal city blocks allow for the light, spacious street corners which make al fresco beer & tapas in the town such a delight."

"Russia's candy-cane capital."

"New Zealand, where only the hobbits have a hard time. Kauri Cliffs Golf course, who fly their caddies in from Penn State University."

"Mother Armenia looking out over Yerevan. There's a lot of bad stuff that went down between Turkey & Armenia 100 years ago, this statue is looking, sword in hand, at Mt. Ararat - once the pride of Yerevan but now lying within Turkish territory."

"The Katskhi Pillar, where a Georgian hermit has lived for the past twenty years to be "closer to god."

"Worker and Kolkhoz Woman striding into the future that was. Built for the soviet pavilion of the 1937 world fair in Paris, the steel masterwork now stands in the suburbs of northern Moscow."

"Moscow's Hotel Ukraina lit up at dusk. This picture was taken as the Russian stock markets crashed on "Black Tuesday". Little whiffs of panic could be felt on the street. Moscow never looked or felt more like Gotham city."

"Peter & Paul Cathedral after a snowstorm, Xmas day 2014. We *almost* saw the sun that day. Anyone who's ever spent a December in St. Petersburg knows how rare this is."

"Gilded spire of the Admiralty, St. Petersburg. HQ for Russia's navy."

"The Palace at Petergof, perched on a bluff some 30km from central Saint Petersburg. In the background is the frozen Gulf of Finland. If you want to know bleak, head to that wasteland on a dark winter's day."

"Sts. Peter & Paul Cathedral with tiny little christians walking round the base."

"The angel atop the Alexander column in the centre of St. Petersburg. Built after Russia’s victory over Napoleon, the column's 600 ton granite trunk was tipped into place by 2,000 soldiers. It balances without any attachment to its base."

"Moscow's Cathedral of Christ the Saviour with the Kremlin in background."

"The Hermitage (foreground) and Palace Square. A LOT of history has stomped through this place."

"The angel atop the Alexander column in the centre of St. Petersburg. Two cops saw me taking this photo, wandered over, asked me how much the drone had cost, then wandered off again. Those days are gone, 4eva."

"Paris’ Sacré-Cœur glowing in a hazy sunrise."

"Clouds swirl through the pillars of Sagrat Cor Church, high on a hill above Barcelona. Twenty minutes later a thunderstorm hit the city."

"The star fort at Bourtange. Three centuries after the last cannonball was fired in anger at the fort, it now serves as a museum and centre of a sleepy farming village in eastern Holland. The low, thick walls were designed to offset the pounding force of cannonfire."

"The windswept Liberty Statue, overlooking Budapest."

"Budapest, a fine city by day."

"And even finer by night."

"The spiky skyline of Istanbul."

"Russian holidaymakers packed into a beach in Abkhazia."

"Taj Mahal as the day's first tourists trickle through the gates. Amazing to be seeing an angle that had almost certainly never before been seen - not in all the centuries this thing had stood there."

"But, the police here had a drone ban in place even way back in the early days. I got warned, then tried to sneak a couple more pictures the next day. Word to the wise - the cops here are extremely diligent."

"Two wrestlers practising the ancient Indian sport of Kushti. This was right next to the Taj Mahal & a minute or two after the picture was taken I two cops heard the noise & marched over. I was detained by a couple of young officers until a big bearish senior policeman was dropped off by motorbike. He properly yelled at me from behind a walrus moustache & I skulked out of town the next day."

"Tbilisi, Georgia, where the people are friendly, the food is kickass and the policemen actually do their jobs."

"A ruined college in Gali, inside the breakaway republic of Abkhazia. Ethnic cleansing went down here in the 90s & areas like this one are now a twilight zone of empty buildings and overgrown farmland."

"Morning over Maximum City. 

Known to the locals as "Hill 3" this knoll jutting above Mumbai's northern slums is no more valuable than the land below. Access to running water, which the hill lacks, is more valuable than any view."

"A knot of fishing boats at the entrance to Sassoon Dock, Mumbai."

"The Lotus Temple, dotted with pigeons at sunrise. Designed by an Iranian exile, the building serves as the centre of the Bahai'i faith in Delhi."

"Jama Masjid, the heart of Islam in India. The red sandstone structure was built under the orders of the same Mughal emperor of Taj Mahal fame."

"The Vittoria Light, overlooking the Gulf of Trieste at sunset. Wow, this really blew up."


Credits:  www.reddit.com






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