Coolest Designed Products Of 2016 (19 pics)

Posted in       15 Jul 2016       8263       GALLERY VIEW

The Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) has announced top candidates for its 2016 International Design Excellence Awards (IDEA). Here are some of the candidates’ most interesting product designs. Take a look and pick your favorite.

The Ecolab Mobile Solids Dispenser gives restaurant workers an easy way to stay germ-free. Users simply attach the dispenser to the sink under running water, which filters through to turn solid soap or sanitizer into a usable liquid.

CORE Cooling Packs allow Ebola workers to stay in their muggy, multi-layered protection suits twice as long. All they need to do is activate the cooling agent in the rubber glove.

Unlike traditional plaster casts, which must be built for specific body parts, BoneAid is a one-size-fits-all board that can fit arms, legs, or ankles. It also packs flat, meaning it can travel around the world for cheap.

The Moyo fetal heart rate monitor keeps track of a baby's heart rate while it's still in the womb. It was designed to be as intuitive as possible so that anywhere in the world, people can know when their baby's life may be in danger.

TetraPOT is a new way to protect coastlines from damage. By piling the structures together, beaches can be protected from harsh crashing waves. TetraPOTs are also hollow to allow for vegetation growth, rooting them even further.

Google OnHub, with its array of 13 antennae, is a sleek way to connect all the wireless devices in your home. You can even customize the shell to match your décor.

The ZERO1 helmet was created by industrial designers, engineers, and neurosurgeons. In tests, it led to reduced impact force on athletes' skulls, and could be easily modified for football, lacrosse, or hockey.

When your phone can't get a signal, goTenna allows you to text and share your location over VHF radio waves. It can be used in survival situations or at a crowded concert when friends get split up.

Pebble Time Round, the thinnest and lightest smartwatch available, has the best battery life of its competitors along with a classic, minimalist design.

Hammerhead One is like Waze for your bicycle. Affix it to the front of your handlebars and the device will light up to give you Bluetooth-enabled turn-by-turn directions, letting you keep your eyes on the road.

The Advanced NICU Hybrid design by Philips is a comfortable, holistic redesign of the typical hospital room for families with premature babies. With a play area and full-sized bed, it's meant to reduce stress and promote bonding during a difficult time.

Racecar drivers can use the SHR Flex harness to maximize protection against skull and upper neck fractures.

Google's flagship new smartphone, the Nexus 6P, sits comfortably in the user's hand thanks to the phone's sculpted back. It has a dual front speaker, 12M big pixel camera, and can shoot video in 4K.

The Suncubator is a solar-powered bed for babies, meant to absorb sunlight during the day and keep newborns warm while they sleep. In places where temperatures fluctuate greatly between day and night, the bed could offer safety and consistency.

The Speedx Leopard Pro bike is the only competition-quality-bike that lets the user track his or her distance and work output in real-time. The frame weighs just over 2.5 lbs and features carbon-fiber handlebars and wheels.

The Kelvin Coffee Bean Roaster gives people a simple and beautiful way to roast beans at home. The process only requires a small batch of beans and takes just a few minutes.

HTC's Vive virtual reality system is one of the best on the market. It offers unprecedented room-scale virtual reality, which means you can get up and walk around in real life, and Vive will render more of the world the further you go.

Yibu wants to take screen time, not normally an engaging experience, and turn it into a more physical activity. Sensors inside wooden blocks let young kids interact with the Yibu game to experience how light, sound, and color interact with one another.

The Miracle 360 cup is a simple way to prevent kids from spilling drinks. When they want a sip, they can take one from any point on the lid. When their lips release, the lid seals shut.




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