
First 100 Days Of The Presidency Of Barack Obama (44 pics)

Posted in CELEBS       2 Aug 2016       3721       GALLERY VIEW

Barack Obama became the 44th President of the United States on January 20, 2009. Here are the historic photos of his first 100 days in office and what it was like for him.

White House photographer Pete Souza took this photo of President-elect Barack Obama moments before Obama took the oath of office.

President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama shared a moment at the Inaugural Ball on January 20, 2009.

The next day, Obama entered the Oval Office to begin his first full day as America's 44th president.

Obama reads a letter that former President George W. Bush left for him in the Oval Office's resolute desk. Leaving a letter for the incoming president has become a White House tradition.

Obama toured the White House grounds with curator William Allman, chief usher Adm. Stephen Rochon, and presidential personal aide Reggie Love.

On Capitol Hill, Obama listens to a question from a member of the House Republican caucus on January 27, 2009.

The Obamas and staff wear 3-D glasses while watching a TV commercial during Super Bowl 43, Arizona Cardinals vs. Pittsburgh Steelers, in the family theater of the White House.

Here's a photo of Obama meeting with senior advisers in the Oval Office during the third week of his presidency.

President Obama walks to the Oval Office along the Colonnade with Vice President Joe Biden, Feb. 3, 2009.

Wearing an embroidered crew jacket, Obama waited for the first of many flights aboard Air Force One.

Close-up detail of President Obama's signature on a bill, and a pen used for the signing, aboard Air Force One on a flight from Buckley Air Force Base, Denver to Phoenix, Arizona.

Obama gave his first State of the Union address on February 24, 2009.

Before giving a policy speech on Iraq, Obama places his hand on his heart as the national anthem is played backstage at the Field House in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, Feb. 27, 2009.

Obama arrives at Port Columbus International Airport with Sen. Sherrod Brown, Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy, and Secret Service on March 6, 2009.

Obama takes a break to shoot hoops on the White House South Lawn basketball court.

The Obamas walked to Marine One on the South Lawn before heading off on one of their first trips to Camp David.

Obama runs down the East Colonnade with family dog, Bo, on March 15, 2009.

President Obama reflects during an economic meeting with advisors in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, March 15, 2009. He is seated between Senior Advisor David Axelrod, left, and Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.

Obama meets with Senate Budget Committee Chairman Sen. Kent Conrad (D-ND), House Budget Committee Chairman Rep. John Spratt Jr. (D-SC), Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag, and Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs Phil Schiliro, March 17, 2009.

Obama shares a moment with Jay Leno off set of the Tonight Show at NBC Studios, Burbank, California.

Obama hugs First Lady Michelle Obama in the Red Room of the White House while Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett smiles prior to the National Newspaper Publishers Association reception, March 20, 2009.

Obama with Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, Senior Advisor David Axelrod and Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel in the Red Room of the White House prior to a live prime time press conference in the East Room.

Obama rests his foot on a football during the Domestic Policy Council Meeting in the Oval Office.

Obama looks out the Green Room window prior to the "Open for Questions" virtual town hall meeting on the economy in the East Room of the White House, March 26, 2009.

BlackBerry's, cell phones and communications devices are tagged with post-its during a briefing on Afghanistan and Pakistan in the Cabinet Room of the White House.

Obama makes a point during an interview in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, March 27, 2009.

Obama conducts interviews in the Map Room of the White House on March 30, 2009.

Obama walks to a podium in the Grand Foyer of the White House before making a statement regarding the American auto industry in March 2009.

The Obamas were welcomed by Queen Elizabeth II to Buckingham Palace in London while in town for the G20 summit.

Obama confers with US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner during the G-20 Summit April 2, 2009, at the ExCel Centre in London, England.

Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama join staff aboard Air Force One during their flight from Stansted Airport in Essex, England, en route to Strasbourg, France.

Obama, joined by French President Nicolas Sarkozy, receives an enthusiastic welcome to Palais Rohan in Strausbourg, France.

Obama walks and Sarkozy leave the Palais Rohan following their meeting.

Obama, NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and fellow NATO leaders step down from a photo platform April 4, 2009.

Obama makes remarks at a press conference following the NATO Summit in Strasbourg, France.

President Obama lifts up a baby April 4, 2009, during the U.S. Embassy greeting at a Prague hotel.

First Lady Michelle Obama waits as President Barack Obama, background, signs the guestbook upon their arrival to Prague Castle, April 5, 2009.

Obama gave a fist bump to a US soldier while visiting troops at Camp Victory in Iraq on April 7, 2009.

President Obama and Michelle smiled at each other inside a White House elevator after a Cinco de Mayo celebration.

Obama makes his way down the stairs of Air Force One April 8, 2009, upon his arrival to Andrews Air Force Base returning from Baghdad, Iraq.

Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton speak together sitting at a picnic table April 9, 2009, on the South Lawn of the White House.

Obama meets with members of his Cabinet in the Cabinet Room at the White House.

Obama plays with a football in the Oval Office on April 23, 2009.

Obama and Vice President Joe Biden practiced their putting skills on the White House green.







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