An Irish pub’s creative ad
Swipe the “hair” and you’ll go to the advertiser’s page
Social advertising can also be smart
Build the future with Lego
The phone likes the taste of its owner’s fingers after he ate KFC’s chicken
Burger King turned the real pictures of their restaurant on fire into advertising. The fire was caused by the open flame of Burger King’s cooking stoves.
Rolling Stone with a real heart
Ashtanga Yoga takes care of your spine
Penguin Books’s audiobooks bring a new experience of the stage
Whiskas nurtures your cat’s instincts
Volkswagen calls to “Turn on your adventure”
Incredible power of Bosch
Lego develops imagination
BIC: the glue that helps to stay together
Exito bottles don’t absorb other smells
These bottles have very thick walls so the smell of the food in your fridge will never get to your water.
Sharpie twin tip pens
Scribe pencils can bring the drawings to life
Sears Optical gives you a cat’s vision
Al Flaherty’s hunting and fishing shop
Incredible body art
ALO washing powder with a system for spot recognition
Stihl noiseless chainsaws
A Mother’s Day reminder from Alto Rosario Shopping
Follow us on your iPad
An original white KitKat
Social advertising that calls to feed the hungry
Ad with a catch
You only have to find the power to jump the fence