
Bright Facts About Colors (25 pics)

Posted in INTERESTING       13 Feb 2018       5769       GALLERY VIEW

Colorblind (color deficient is a more accurate term) individuals may have better night vision on average than people with normal color vision.

A scientific study revealed that silver is the safest color for a car. Silver cars are much less likely to be involved in a serious crash than cars of other colors.

Blue colors help calm people´s mind, slow down their heart rate, lower their blood pressure and reduce anxiety.

Red is the first color a baby sees. Studies have shown that infants as young as 2 weeks of age can already distinguish the color red, probably because red has the longest wavelength among colors making it the easiest color to process by the baby´s developing receptors.

The average person can see approximately one million colors. However, some people can see A LOT more colors. You'll see why soon.

The Ancient Japanese language did not actually distinguish between the blue and green color. They had a color known as “ao” that referred to both of them. Modern Japanese has a separate word for green-Midori.

A group of astronomers decided to take the light of all the stars in the universe and mix it all together into a box to find out what color the universe is. As it turns out, the universe is beige (AKA. 'Cosmic latte')

Bulls don't actually hate the color red. Bulls, like all other cattle, are red and green color deficient. It's the bullfighter´s cape movement that triggers the bull.

Before oranges became popularized in Europe, the English word for the orange color was “geoluhread” or "yellow-red". According to the Oxford English Dictionary, it wasn't until 1512 when the word “orange” started to be used to describe the color.

Blue is by far the most popular color in the world, being preferred by about 40% of all people.

Colors can be frightening to some people. Chromophobia is a persistent, irrational fear of, or aversion to, colors.

The pink color promotes tranquility and peace. Feng Shui, a Chinese philosophical system, believes pink soothes various energies in a room and keep them understated.

Researchers say that red and yellow are the most appetizing colors. No wonder so many fast food giants like McDonald’s, KFC and Burger King have at least one of these two colors in their logos.

The sun is actually white. It only appears yellow because the Earth’s atmosphere scatters away light in the blue, indigo and violet wavelength region, while higher wavelength colors, like red, orange and yellow are less easily scattered.

Tetrochromacy, a genetic mutation which causes people to have 4 color cones in their eyes instead of normal 3 cones, allows them to perceive about 100 million colors – 100 times more than most people. The condition has a much higher occurrence in women than in men.

There are colors that are too complex to be perceived by the human eye. They are known as the impossible colors or the forbidden colors.

Researches suggest that the type of television you watched as a child has a profound effect on the color of your dreams. Therefore, older people who used to watch a monochrome TV might have black and white dreams.

The white color symbolizes clarity and freshness. A white painted room is considered to be the most ideal for a pregnant woman.

The mantis shrimp, a colorful marine crustacean, has the most complex eyes of any living creature. While most creatures (including humans) have only 3 color-receptive cones, mantis shrimps have anywhere from 12 to 16. Consequently, these creatures might be capable of perceiving colors that humans cannot even conceive.

The green color is the best color for your computer desktop. This color is restful for eyes and produces the least amount of eyestrain.

While the red color is generally perceived as an alarming signal, it has soothing effects on chickens. Red light helps them to calm down, sleep better, and avoid cannibalism and pecking problems.

Highly visual creatures, mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors, particularly black and navy blue.

Black boxes seem heavier to workmen than boxes of other colors, even when their weight is exactly the same.

The grey color inspires people to be passive, uninvolved and have a lack of energy. Therefore, if you like wearing grey clothes, pair it with a brighter color to reduce the effect.

In 2014, an English high-tech company announced they made the darkest black ever seen. Made by growing carbon nanotubes on a metal surface, Vantablack, as the scientists called it, traps light to such an extent that the surface looks like a void.


Credits:  list25.com






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