When you can look like a chicken leg:
Windowsill, coffee, angle, and white balance. How to visit the sea without leaving home:
“Twinning — my daughter’s boyfriend and my Peruvian guinea pig share a similar haircut.”
Buses carrying pilgrims in Mecca look like cassette tapes.
“It looks like this guy is transparent.”
The neighboring apartment building appears to be fascinated by the glowing orb on its nose.
“It’ll be funny if someone decides to kick this watermelon at night.”
This can of bug spray looks like a character from Finding Nemo:
So romantic
“It’s good I didn’t have to walk past it at 3 AM.”
“A picture of my pizza ended up looking like a video.”
“It took me a long time to figure out why the naked guy was digging snow.”
This chair looks very evil:
These volcano ash clouds look like a hugging couple:
My friends dog looks like a giant furry face.
This brussel sprout looks like a small but very unimpressed alien:
Ice cobra
This basketball was sprayed with Vantablack and it looks like a dark portal to the underworld:
A very rude plant
“I thought someone forgot a bunch of newspapers.”
This Croatian island looks like a fingerprint:
These 2 people sat on the bench and their faces merged into a real-life Picasso face:
The shadow of the dirt from this windshield looks like mountains.
This cat looks like a cinnamon roll: