
Our World Is Still Good, Believe It (49 pics)

Posted in PICDUMPS       27 Mar 2018       6307       GALLERY VIEW

After a women was taken to hospital due to low blood sugar, these two paramedics stayed back to prepare a dinner for her five kids. They even cleaned dishes afterwards. We have a lot of respect for these guys.

A firefighter rescued a kitten from a large fire in Senen market in Jakarta. Animals need help during mishaps too.

This sweet gesture was captured during the 2014 World Cup where Socceroo player, Mark Bresciano noticed that a mascot’s shoe was untied. Since the boy was on crutches, Bresciano knelt down and tied it for him.

What is sweeter than offering a helping hand to someone who needed it badly? This company owner was offering a clean outfit for free to those who were unemployed and interviewing for jobs.

This young girl, Ella, donated her hair to somebody in need.

Hair stylist, Mark Bustos, gives a free haircut to homeless people every Sunday from Guangzhou to New York City and all over the world. He normally works for an elite salon during the week. His idea is simply to give back, because all people deserve a good haircut once in a while.

During natural disasters, humans are the first ones to get help but we cannot forget about the animals who need help too. This man saved this dog from drowning in a typhoon in Dujuan, Hong Kong.

A worker at the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary tries to bottle-feed ’Jebediah’, a sick red-necked wallaby joey rescued from a flood-affected property in Brisbane. These animal sanctuaries are racing to save native animals which have been displaced or made ill by the fetid water.

Dobri Dobrev, apparently a 102-year-old-man, often seen begging for money around churches gives away all his collected money to either homeless, poor or orphans.

This Kenyan woman found her childhood friend on the streets while he was suffering from a drug addiction. She took him to rehab — and look at the difference today!

Someone in my neighborhood has a mini library open to anyone, including a children's section and a stool to reach it.

Obviously someone who knows how to have fun, someone rakes a pile of leaves for people to jump into.

This kitten was sleeping in the rain, stranger puts umbrella to protect kitty from the rain.

Child gives out free lemonade for a smile.

Corporate bought pizza and wings for those who made it in after our area was hit with 2 feet of snow. I’m the only one who came in.

Thanks to Reddit my school's postcard project has exploded! We now have every state and over 90 countries. You guys rule.

Just moved to a new neighborhood, and I pass this guy on my way to work. I'm pretty darn antitheist or whatever, but I love that this pastor waves and smiles at cars every morning outside his church to start people's day off on a good note. Good on you, my guy.

Ryan Reynolds meeting with children from the Make-a-wish and Childrens Wish Foundations on the set of 'Deadpool 2'.







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