“My daughter was excited about her first computer homework, but then she had her first experience with Windows Update instead.”
Childhood dreams about being a grownup are nothing compared to the harsh reality.
“Thank you, Amazon, for this $500 rock.”
When you’re not sure what to do with all the money:
Visit Hong Kong to take a photo like this? No, thank you.
I ordered a dish in a high-class restaurant...
“This is a photo of my academic adviser during my diploma presentation.”
How come the sign isn’t at the top of the slide?
Because hope never dies...
I have no faith in humanity anymore.
What was the purpose of such a big pack?
Honesty is a powerful thing.
The biggest realization of your adult life...
When you’re tired of people misunderstanding:
People who made this sandwich should eat it every day.
A man spent $26,000 on plastic surgery to look just like David Beckham.
This is what manufacturers mean when they speak about the significant difference:
What if you started mocking millionares?
“Go surfing in Canda, they said. It will be fun, they said.”
That moment when you ordered wireless earphones on AliExpress.