To help this shelled guy back home.
To find out if it's legal...
By calling 9-1-1 and telling the police you're in the process of cooking it.
To make a joke.
To have a witty comeback.
To properly go on sale.
To remix the American flag.
To package a Halloween costume.
To hide a package.
To scam someone.
To prevent this bike from getting stolen.
At making a wonderful cake.
To not be that lady who asks to speak to the manager.
To "touch up" an ancient holy site.
At searching for a stone formation.
To make fruit appear fresh.
To make an innocent chicken bake.
To not exclude Tigger.
At offering a 10% discount.
Warn people about the dangers of driving.
This star that encapsulates its message perfectly.
To get green eyes.
At breaking out of the friendzone.
To remember that September doesn't have 33 days.
At having a wholesome family photo.
To give a clear definition on Wikipedia.
To mess with Wendy's on Twitter.