California: If a frog dies during a frog-jumping contest, you cannot eat it.
Florida: Participating or permitting dwarf-tossing in bars, restaurants, and other places selling liquor can get the owner fined up to $1,000.
Georgia: People engaged in llama-related activities like riding, training, or goofing around will be held accountable if they happen to suffer llama-related injuries.
Alabama: Using confetti is illegal.
Alaska: In Alaska, you can drink in a bar but you’ll be fined for getting drunk.
Arizona: Feeding garbage to pigs is not allowed unless a permit is obtained.
Arkansas: A pinball machine cannot give away more than 25 free games to any player who keeps continually winning.
Illinois: A seller of reptiles must advise the buyers not to kiss it.
Indiana: It is illegal to catch a fish with your bare hands.
Kentucky: Public officers, lawyers, and legislators must take an oath stating that they’ve never participated in duels using deadly weapons.
Massachusetts: Playing or singing the national anthem, not in its entirety or rendering it as dance music, is punishable by a fine not exceeding $100.
Michigan: Cars cannot be sold on a Sunday.
Missouri: If a ram or bull runs amok for more than 3 days, any person can castrate the animal.
Montana: Driving animals onto railroad tracks with the purpose of damaging the railways can lead to a fine of up to $50,000, prison time not exceeding 5 years, and other repercussions.
Nevada: No one can use an X-ray machine to estimate a person’s shoe size.
New Hampshire: Carrying away or collecting seaweed at night is illegal.
New Jersey: Committing robbery wearing a bulletproof vest is illegal.
New York: Wearing a mask and congregating in the public is a crime.
North Carolina: Bingo games must not last over 5 hours.
Ohio: Toilets in underground coal mines must have an ’adequate supply’ of toilet paper.
Rhode Island: Professional games, except ice polo and hockey, can be played on Sunday only after obtaining a license.
The law says that “Professional athletic games, except ice polo and hockey, may be played and held in any city or town on the first day of the week under a license therefor issued by the licensing authorities of the town or city...”
South Carolina: Musical instruments may not be sold on Sunday.
South Dakota: Farmers can use explosives and fireworks to safeguard their sunflower crops.
Tennessee: Students may not hold hands while at school.
Vermont: Clotheslines are energy devices that are based on renewable resources and cannot be banned.
Washington: In Skamania County, Washington, harassing a Bigfoot, Sasquatch, or other undiscovered subspecies is a felony punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment.
Bonus: Crazy things you can do in the US:
You can own a tank in every state of the US.
You can drive barefoot.
9 states allow you to keep a brown bear as a pet.
In Arizona, you can get yourself photographed wearing a colander for your driver license.