When you feel a strong will to show your underpants.
To prevent shins from freezing.
If you want to try flying without a parachute
It’s winter outside and it’s cold in shorts.
“When you’ve been waiting your entire life to walk around on fake grass:”
To feel at home everywhere:
For those who prefer unique clothing:
An outfit for standing out in a crowd
This is suitable for a meeting of UFO delegates.
When you want to be a furry cutie
Must-have for glamour girls
When 2 sleeves are not enough...
...and one’ll be enough.
So you don’t have to choose between a dress and pants.
Special edition for minimalist lovers
To the delight of Steve Buscemi fans
For those who love citrus
When you have a lot of fabric scraps and designer talent
Holes for ventilation
When your wife has a beautiful bolero:
For the Viking descendants
An opportunity to be closer to the ocean
After a fight with a wild animal
A way to show your favorite snacks
If you feel sorry for throwing out old dolls...
When there’s an extra package:
For girls who want to show their legs...
...and hide their hands