“He’s not heavy...he’s my brother.”
There’s really nothing like love’s first kiss.
Although sometimes, your friends can get too affectionate..
Sometimes a size difference can work to your advantage.
Best friends always make time for sleepovers!
“I always said to make friends that you could use as transportation!”
Little “kids” always need a big buddy looking out for them.
No matter how different you are, we all speak the universal language of “vegging out”.
“He’s not heavy, he’s my brother...and also a pretty good masseur.”
The moment you start kissing a pole is the exact time you need a friend by your side backing you up.
“I don’t care who does it...I just want to be tucked in.”
Winter fun is always better with a little buddy...even if they’re a little prickly!
“It’s nice to share your bed, but I don’t think they take too much space.”
“Always look for a friend who has access to snacks...it just makes sense, people!”
Aesop clearly exaggerated their rivalry...unless this is a rematch.
When sitting in your favorite chair together, it makes sense to have one friend on the lookout.
A buddy means never having to need another teddy bear ever again!
You always need someone to share your secrets with.
You never forget your first kiss!
He doesn’t know that he’s not a monkey.
These 2 are clearly the “cool kids” of the zoo.
You can never have too many friends.
“There’s no reason why we can’t all be friends, people...”
At the end of the day, we all bond over the universal good that is food.
You should always make sure your little buddies have a good diet.
With your best buddy at your side, it’s always time for an adventure!
It’s also always time to strike a pose.
No matter what, you know that they love each other.
Seriously, we all need friends we can get down and dirty with.
A best friend should always have concern for your physical well-being.