This Is Exactly Why Life Is Good! (48 pics)

Posted in PICDUMPS       3 Dec 2018       5622       GALLERY VIEW

This Iranian boy has cancer, yet his teacher comes to him every day in the hospital to fill him in on what he’s missed at school.

“My husband accidentally found a scared kitten under our car. Meet Axel, our newest family member!”

A woman from Texas helps people with these ordinary shelves. Her idea is simple: everyone who wants can put something on the shelf or take something from it for free. People leave diapers, school supplies, food, and other helpful things.

Ariana Grande and her company managed to raise more than $12 million for people affected by a terrorist attack during the singer’s concert. All the money was spent on funerals and for victims’ treatments.

An Argentinian man was pruning outside when he fell 6 feet from a tree and injured his back. When he came to, he saw his dog Tony lying on his chest. The dog refused to leave its master while he waited for an ambulance.

Mel Flesher’s post about a stolen bike became really famous on Facebook. When the teenagers who had stolen the bike read it, they decided to return the item. The next day, Mel realized they returned the bike with a new lock and an attached apology letter.

In the UK, bikers decided to support 16-year-old Shannon. She had been bullied at school because of her arthritis and colitis and her mother wrote about it on Facebook. 120 men and women came to spend the evening with the girl, her relatives, and friends.

These dogs are waiting for when they’ll be able to visit the wards with sick children. It’s an actual kind of therapy when young patients meet specially trained dogs and spend time together.

35-year-old Jordan Smith saw someone throwing a cat from a bridge. The man took the cat out with the help of a net and took it to the vet and then decided to adopt the kitten.

A Reddit user who had his leg amputated told the story of how his twin brother decided to support him. He showed up dressed as a pirate and said that he could finally make an awesome wooden leg for him. He also gave him socks and said that his brother could wear one pair for 2 days.

Police officer Chase Miller saved a 3-year-old toddler’s life who suddenly stopped breathing. The man happened to be listening to the EMS dispatcher radio at the time and rushed to the scene. He grabbed the boy and performed CPR, and then the toddler began breathing again.

Roman, a 4-year-old boy from Great Britain, called 911 and explained to an operator that his mom wasn’t breathing and was dead. He took her iPhone, used his mother’s finger to unlock it, and asked Siri to contact the rescue service. Thanks to him, everything’s fine with Roman’s mother today.

A 15-year-old teenager approached Matt White and asked if he could help him carry his grocery bags to his car in exchange for buying him a pack of donuts for his mother and him. Instead of donuts, Matt raised $270 thousand that was spent on the boy’s education and a new house for his family.

Cristiano Ronaldo is well-known for being a generous person. In 2016, the football player donated €275 thousand that he won at the UEFA European Championship to a kids cancer foundation. He did the same with the Champions League bonus. The total sum that Ronaldo donated so far is around €10 million.

This new uncle who dresses to impress:

This kindhearted neighbor (and fan of Liszt):

This rad lady who can still hang:

This dad and his new alpaca friend:

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This sushi chef who just loves meeting new people:

Michael, the lime lover:

This good sport:

These good, gentle, art-loving boys:

Tipper B., who proves you should meet your heroes:

Cameron and his Pulitzer-worthy smile:

Anthony Freeman (both of them):

These cat counselors:

These friends who know that everyone deserves to look good while they're eating pizza:

My Italian priest friend transforms his church at night to a place where the poor and refugees can come and eat for free. He also gets people to play music for them.

Just four generations in one beautiful 97yo grandma, my mother, my brother, and my 2mo niece, who is named for the wonderful woman holding her.







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