People And Animals Who Are Definitely Having the Best Day of Their Life (69 pics)

Posted in PICTURES       20 Dec 2018       8541       GALLERY VIEW

2 years in remission today and going STRONG

She said, “It’s the BEST day ever!”

My favorite picture of my wife and I! 9 years married today!

I’m now 2 years sober, living a wonderful life, and happier than I ever thought I’d be!

Our son, his first time meeting Santa

My wife, myself, and my mother-in-law all graduated with our degrees! Today was a happy day!

Hearing for the first time

My kiddo has been waiting patiently for me to finish my homemade pom-poms so he could finally do this.

After thinking I was infertile for almost 10 years, my wife and I are expecting our first! And exactly what I wanted, A GIRL!!!

A year ago, I completed my first 5k run in my wheelchair.

Grandma is pumped and gives high-fives at the Ravenna Marathon.

You’re going to be grandparents!

I immigrated to the US over 15 years ago and finally became an American citizen yesterday! I almost cried at the ceremony.

A year ago I was in a bad car accident. I was trapped for 40 minutes, the temp was −20°C and I had a 6-hour surgery the next day. Today I celebrate being alive!

I won my yearbook’s “best glow up” category for my weight loss! Kinda silly, but it’s nice to have my efforts noticed.

First flight ever because turbulence is nothing!

Last visit to the hospital for cancer treatment: I’m a warrior, bionic woman!

My blind friend’s first time holding a cat

Here it is — a cat’s paradise.

"2 months after a compound fracture of both ankles, surgeries, and a recovery period, standing on both feet is incredible happiness!"

Happy moments of a messy job

This lady found her cat alive 16 days after a tornado.

This girl is happy because she finally had her skin healed.

"Having left the hospital after treatment, I realized all my friends came to meet me. One of the best days of my life."

"I was worried about my dog’s reaction to a kitten at home. Yet look at how happy he is!"

"My husband has just returned from his last Iraq tour."

All a cat needs for happiness is an empty toilet paper roll.

"My twins were born today."

"She said yes!"

"We can finally adopt these kids!"

"I’m 190 cm tall, and today I’ve finally got an airplane seat where I can stretch my legs. Be happy for me!"

"My long-awaited reunion with Dad."

"Mom’s getting married after 16 years of loneliness."

"I’m 20, and I’ve finally fulfilled my dream of entering a music school."

"We came to choose a puppy for my sister. Just look at how pure happiness looks."

"’I promise to love you in sickness and in health. Especially in sickness since you gave me the flu a week before our wedding, and now I sound like a 90-year-old man.’ Here’s why my husband is laughing so hard!"

"My grandfather met his colleague after many years."

"Here’s what it looks like when you come to the sea for the first time in a long 6 years."

"Mom and I had a painting master class. We’ve had a great time. I haven’t been that happy for so long."

"After working as a taxi driver, skydiving instructor, and flight instructor, I’ve finally reached my dream and become an Airbus A320 pilot."

"This guy has just seen snow for the first time in his life."

"Quick turnaround: Lemon in the shelter vs. when we brought her home a few hours later. Instant happiness."
"Selfie kid lives 2 towns over from me and posted this."
"Just really happy to see my mom after 6 months of training."
"For over 2 years, my husband and I spent countless hours going through tests and treatments. After several heartbreaks, we decided to stop trying. 2 weeks later, we got a positive pregnancy test. Today we are celebrating our daughter's third month of life."
"Today was my last chemo treatment for breast cancer!"
"Today I won my 12-year battle against homelessness. For the first time since I was 16 years old, I finally have a place to call home."
This is so cute!
"I just submitted my last final paper for my Master's degree!"
"My friend after biking 4,374 miles across the United States. From Washington to Maine."
"The pure happiness when I put Mickey Mouse ears on my wedding day! They were a surprise gift from my new husband to take on our honeymoon!"
"After 19 years, I have won my battle against trichotillomania! I present to you my first full head of hair since the 3rd grade!"
"After 9 years of battling addiction, I am almost 10 months sober. I got a new smile today after years of dental problems and I can’t even describe how much I love it!"
"It took me 31 years to see snow for the first time!"
"My beautiful girlfriend is an avid knitter and just finished her first sweater! I am unbelievably proud of her and she looks gorgeous sporting her new threads!"
"Proudest day of my life!"
"I said yes at the most magical place on earth!"
"I donated all of my hair yesterday."
"I'm a father now!"
"The day I met Robert"
"I suffer from severe depression. I traveled over 6,000 miles for a solo vacation in L.A. and I haven't been this happy in years."
"10 years ago, I was a terrified pregnant teenager who thought I’d never be able to give my daughter a decent life. After years of hard work and sacrifice, we were able to buy a house! Might seem mundane to some, but I never thought we’d make it here."
“My son loves Wheel of Fortune! We wrote to them, and they sent him a wedge signed by Pat and Vanna.”
“When your parents celebrate 35 years together and end up looking like magazine models!”
“This is what life is like when you volunteer at an animal sanctuary.”
“Grandma Millie wanted to go to the Super Bowl for her 100th birthday. The Vikings just got one step closer, and Millie’s got 2 SB52 tickets.”
This seal is pretty satisfied with its life.
Looking at this picture, you can feel the taste of the juicy watermelon...and a lot of happiness!



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