“Got a soda out of a vending machine and there is a quarter taped to the top.”
A chunk of quartz found in Arkansas worth $4 million
“These coins stopped a bullet and saved my great-grandfather’s life during World War I.”
“A tree fell and this is now the luckiest guy in town this morning.”
Izismile Videos
“My arrow hit the USB-port of my monitor and it still works!”
“My wallet came with $2 inside.”
“My change at the grocery store was a 104-year-old dime.”
How lucky can you be?
Someone won a 100% discount.
I reparked the car a second before the road was destroyed.
These guys bought a used board game and found jewelry worth thousands of dollars.
Double joy
“Waking up a very happy man today! It doesn’t get much better than this.”
2 lucky men parked together
“The Great Wall... I was fortunate enough to go on a tour where there were virtually no other people. The sun had not hit the Mongolian side so it was still covered in snow from the night before”
These blueberries are huge.
“Just my luck! I accidentally shredded a receipt that I still needed to record. Luckily, it was short enough to fit horizontally into my paper shredder and the amount was preserved on a single strip!”
“Please, not the tire!”
“Found 3 yokes in one egg today.”
“Found this locked safe under the carpet of an estate home I recently purchased.”
“Stepped on this pin crossing the street yesterday.”
“My diamond ring has been missing since 2004 and turned up on a garden carrot.”
“This day belongs to me.”
The best thing that can happen after doing the laundry
“My friend’s cousin stayed home New Year’s night so he could spend it with his sister.”
“I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.”
This young couple met Johnny Depp in a train. He bought them a bottle of champagne and talked to them the whole way.
“I was cleaning out my great grandmother’s home and just found this. Unbelievable.”
“Ordered a shirt for my kid for Christmas. It came a month late, but they sent me 20.”
“When I met my wife, it turned out we had similar looking birthmarks on our thighs.”
“Bought some eggs. Look what I’ve got now!”
“I’m insanely jealous of my wife’s new working conditions.”
Want a double coconut?
“We found 2 diamond rings wrapped in a shopping list in a display trash bin in IKEA.”
“My daughter was nervous around dogs, and then she met this guy. He let her love on him for 20 minutes and afterward, her fear was gone.”
“My friends met last week and just discovered their guitars were made one after the other.”
“Brought my little girl to her first rock concert today, the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. The band brought her on stage to bow at the end of the show with them, and gave her a signed guitar, pick, and setlist.”
“I own the key shown on the cover of this book.”
“Baby was crying while I was in the bathroom but suddenly stopped. I came out to find this.”