Modern Life Has Many Unsolved Mysteries… (10 pics)

Posted in INTERESTING       14 Feb 2019       4288       GALLERY VIEW

Polybius is an arcade game that rose from obscurity in 1981. The game was said to have included effects that induced psychological effects in the people who played it. Players described symptoms including amnesia, night terrors and the tendency to loose all desire to play video games. Then, only a month or so after its appearance, it vanished just as suspiciously as it arrived. Though there is no evidence of it ever existing (other than the image above of course), hundreds, to thousands of gamers have come forward saying they played the game.


Before Chernobyl became famous for the horrific meltdown of the local nuclear power plant, the mystery of the Black Bird haunted its citizens. Starting in April of 1986, people living around the plant began reporting seeing a terrifying creature described as a large, dark, headless man with gigantic wings and piercing red eyes (no clue how he had eyes with no head, but’s Russia…). Those who experienced the sightings were also victim to terrible nightmares and threatening phone calls.


People don’t just vanish into thin air, or so we’ve been told. Well, regardless of what you mother told you, David Lang vanished from his farm one day while in full view of his wife, two children and two visiting friends. You may begin to question the validity and trustworthiness of the witnesses, until you hear one of them was very well respected local judge. According to the eye witnesses, Lang simply evaporated instantly while mid stride in his field.


I’ve never been to Jersey and I have never heard or read anything to make me want to go and this certainly isn’t helping. Apparently, the Jersey Devil is said to inhabit the Southern part of New Jersey known as the Pine Barrens. Those who have supposedly seen the little demon describe it as a kangaroo-like creature, with the head of a goat, horns, large wings, clawed hands, a forked tail and cloven hooves. That’s just swell. This freaky little bastard is said to move swiftly and exhale with toe-curling screams.


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So, we’ve heard the story of the incredible vanishing man, and that sounded pretty far-fetched even with plenty of witnesses. Well, I raise you the story of Hoer Verde, the Brazilian town where 600 people are said to have mysteriously disappeared. Those who have visited the settlement since the unexplained exodus have remarked that there are no signs of any foul play of any sort, or any explanation. The only extraordinary thing about the whole event, is the discovery of a school black board inscribed with the words, “There is no salvation.”


The Kennedy assassination is a hotbed for history nerds and tinfoil hat aficionados alike to gather and discuss under dim lights. There are so many theories and ideas as to what really happened that day. Among the mysteries is that of the Babushka Lady. In the 55-years since Kennedy was assassinated, the FBI has yet to confirm the identity of the figure. One suspect has an interesting tale, however, which has been ignored and overlooked due to her “outlandish” story. Beverly Oliver was attending a church revival meeting in Texas in 1970, when she confided in conspiracy theorist Gary Shaw that she was indeed the Babushka Lady the FBI had sought for years. In her story, she claims she filmed the entire assassination with a Super 8 Yashika camera, but before she could have it developed, the FBI seized it from her.


It’s been over three years and there is still headway in the case to try and find missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. In that time, however many theories and new discoveries about the flight itself have come to bare. One such discovery was made by Andre Milne, founder of Unicorn Aerospace. Milne says he has poured over the passenger list and data and believes there was one extra passenger on the flight. Was this passenger a bomber, a hijacker, an alien time traveler? Who knows. All we know is someone was on the flight that wasn’t listed.


Like deja-vu, the Mandela Effect is the term for when you’re sure something has happened before, even though it hasn’t, and a lot of people sincerely believe it is proof of the existence of an alternate universe(s). Why is it called the “Mandela Effect?” Because many people believe that Nelson Mandela died in prison long before his true death, on December 5th, 2013. Thousands of people, possibly more, truly believe and remember of his passing before that day. Similar to Mandela’s death, many people remember the Space Shuttle Challenger exploding long before the January 1986 tragedy. In the case of the Challenger explosion, even people working for NASA swear confusion over the date of the tragedy.



Supposedly art dealer Forrest Finn hid over a million dollars in the Rocky Mountains for treasure hunters to seek out. Though many people have claimed to have found the treasure, Finn maintains that no one has provided him any evidence that they’ve actually done so. Are his millions really out there? Has someone found it? Will our heroes solve the case? Tune in next week to find out!


Not to be confused with the Rosetta stone, the Roswell stone is a mysterious rock discovered in Roswell, New Mexico in 2004. In addition to be abnormally smooth and having unusual magnetic properties (meteorite?), the stone is carved with a mysterious pattern of triangles and crescents. Ok that’s weird, but not mysterious, until you consider that it’s the same pattern as a crop circle found in England almost two decades ago. Then again, maybe it is more like the Rosetta stone than we thought and helps us communicate with Aliens?!







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