First of all, consider this globe fountain. See how all the water just falls right off?
It’s mighty suspicious how water flies off clothes in the washing machine, but STICKS to the Earth.
If Earth was a globe, water would just all sink the bottom of it!
Levelers do not lie.
Look at this helicopter.
Nature is crazy.
So…you’re telling me water is flat everywhere but THE GLOBE?
Fact: You didn’t know about things until you learned about them.
Fact: It’s sea level, not sea curve!!!
Shoes wouldn’t be flat, unless the Earth was.
Walls wouldn’t be flat, unless the Earth was.
Haven’t you ever seen a star?
THIS is how we should be sleeping:
Honestly, “logical reasons.”
Also, “basic knowledge.”
Ever wonder about this suspicious recurring coincidence?
If you’ve ever spun a coin, you know what I’m talking about here
Listen, it’s either big chungus or Earth. Only one can be round. Which one’s it gonna be??