These Pieces Of News Show That Humanity Isn’t Hopeless After All (16 pics)

Posted in INTERESTING       26 Apr 2019       4546       GALLERY VIEW

A grocery store in Canada was left open on a holiday and nobody stole anything.

On Family Day on February 18th in Canada, most stores were closed. But the doors of Food Basics, according to the city media of Kingston, were accidentally left open and there were no employees inside. The public just walked in, took whatever they needed, and simply left the money near the cash register. Absolutely nothing was stolen from the store.


Biker gangs are protecting the mosques in New Zealand.

After the terrible attack on mosques in New Zealand, nobody was left indifferent. The local bikers decided to support the Muslim people: the gangs protected the mosques during their Friday prayer.


A teenager from Sunderland saved 6 lives by placing motivating notes on a bridge.

Paige Hunter is only 18 years old and she has already saved several lives. For this, she was awarded with a commendation certificate from the head of the Northumbria police. More than 40 notes with the words, “You’re not alone,” “Your life is valuable,” and others were placed on the Sunderland Wearmouth Bridge. They were able to help some desperate people find something in themselves and not commit suicide. A Reddit user also notes that this is not the only bridge with these notes, and we can’t know the real number of people who’ve been saved.


Companies all around the world are testing a 4-day work week.

Companies are trying to combat stress and burn out at work by testing a 32-hour working week instead of the regular 40 hour one. The people from these companies say that their employees are becoming more involved and motivated and that it has a positive effect on their productivity. Britain’s Trades Union Congress is pushing the entire country to move to this schedule.


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The companies Seven Bro7hers and Kellogg’s have started to make beer from food waste.

The cereal company Kellogg’s decided to use rejected cornflakes to brew beer in order to save the environment. In collaboration with the Seven Bro7hers brewery, they have already made several batches.


A woman booked rooms for the homeless to keep them safe during the dangerous polar vortex.

Candice Payne made a post about this on social media and people started donating money. Around 80 homeless people were saved. The vortex took 22 lives but this number could have been much bigger if it weren’t for these people.


SaltWater Brewery company started making rings that feed animals rather than kill them

Plastic rings on packs can become a great problem for an animal that was unlucky enough to find one. SaltWater Brewery designed edible rings that are made of wheat and barley. These technologies are already used by other manufacturers, too, like Corona and E6RP.


California pet stores are only allowed to sell animals from shelters.

This animal protection law is about cats, dogs, and rabbits. Now pet stores are obligated to show the papers that state the origin of a certain animal. If an animal is not from a shelter or a non-profit organization, the sellers will have to pay a fine. Also, around the entire country, there are programs popping up that will teach animals tricks that will make them more appealing for potential owners.



LEGO has started to make toys from sugarcane.

The Danish company is planning to make most of their product line eco-friendly by 2030. The first steps have been taken: LEGO toys made of sugarcane can already be found in LEGO stores.


A married couple managed to raise $15 million for separated migrant families.

Charlotte and Dave Willner had seen pictures of children that were crying at the border. First, they decided to collect $1,500 and free at least one immigrant family from jail to help them reunite with their children. It’s amazing, but the couple managed to collect 10,000 times more in just one week. More than 400,000 people made a donation, including Mark Zuckerberg.


In Kenya, the level of poaching has decreased by 85% for rhinos and by 78% for elephants.

The Minister of tourism and wild nature in Kenya announced that poachers would get the death penalty which quickly decreased the number of people who hunt the valuable bones of wild animals. This is a big step, but the natural increase in the populations of these species is still too small.

Also, a short time ago, in Kenya, an extremely rare black leopard was seen. The last time this animal was seen in Africa was 100 years ago.


Students in the Ukraine learned how to spot fake stories, propaganda, and hate speech.

50 schools around the country included lessons on recognizing fake news in their education programs. This will help the growing generation to understand the situation with the media better and to be able to detect cases of propaganda and hate speech.



Adidas has sold one million pairs of eco-friendly shoes made from recycled ocean plastic.

It takes about 11 plastic bottles to produce a pair of futuristic-looking UltraBoots. This is a huge contribution to the ecological situation of the planet. The company is not going to stop and will produce and sell 11 million pairs of shoes. By the year 2024, Adidas is planning to only use recycled plastic for production.


A doctor from Bangladesh uses a shampoo bottle to decrease the childhood death rate from pneumonia by 75%.

In 2017, 920,000 children died of pneumonia. Most of the time, this happens in poor countries where hospitals don’t even have ventilation machines. Mohammod Jobayer Chisti from Bangladesh found a solution. He made a low-cost device with a shampoo bottle to decrease the mortality rate by 75% in his hospital.


Denver inhabitants unanimously voted for lifting the “tampon tax.”

The sales tax is 4.3% for any kind of sale in Denver. The city council unanimously voted to lift the tax for tampons. The tax has been lifted from these products since June 1st and they will be reclassified as necessary medications.

The government is also thinking about a law that will make jails provide imprisoned women with free tampons.


Russia decided to free more than 100 whales that were kept in cages in the Far East.

French marine expert Jean-Michel Cousteau (the son of famous Jacques-Yves Cousteau) and his team asked the Russian authorities to free nearly 100 whales that were being held in cages in the country’s far east. The Kremlin ordered the local government to orchestrate the freeing process together with the researchers.









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