If you remember eating...
The best food the lunchroom had to offer:
Glorious, glorious Dunk-A-Roos:
The white shark bites... OH! The white shark bites:
The alpha and the omega of Altoids, Altoid Sours:
The divine combination of french toast and crunch:
All the fruit you'd ever need:
The most delicious dirt in the world:
The world's best granola bar:
The most colorful popsicle known to humankind:
The greatest gummy snacks ever invented:
The most delicious gum in the game... for the 30 seconds it lasted:
Literal baby bottle pops:
A foot of fruit:
Oreo cereal... my sweet Oreo cereal:
Sweet, beautiful cream-savers:
Mother Nature's greatest gift, Squeeze-Its:
Fruit thangs:
Literal chocolate chips:
Lollipop goop:
L'il bit of those gushies:
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That powdered fruit:
A jug fullah gum:
The best part of elementary school:
The world's most natural/delicious liquid substance:
All those sodas of yore:
The candy every single grandma had in their purse:
Sweet, beautiful, gorgeous, precious Surge:
Literally just sugar paper:
The perfect combination of sherbet and cardboard flavors:
All the joy of Reese's in spherical form:
And these cook— wait, nevermind. No one has ever tasted these. It's always just sewing supplies: