2. Be Social


In its essence, humor is a social concept. You can joke on Twitter, but that doesn’t make you the favorite person to be with.


Stay playful with your friends in real life. Wrestling, tickling, and other playful activities are innocent and make you look relaxed. Of course; you won’t go overboard and you won’t bug people with your constant attacks. Whatever you do, it has to be non-offensive. Especially when it comes to touching.


      3. Know Your Audience


Here are a few general rules that help you choose the right joke for the type of listener you have:


 ⚫ Women will not like misogynist jokes. In fact, you should stay away from these no matter who you’re telling the joke to. Don’t be a jerk.


 ⚫ Your teachers won’t like crude humor. If you want to tell a joke in class or include it in a paper, it has to be sophisticated.


 ⚫ Slang jokes are cool, but only to people who understand them. If you study computer sciences and you want to make a nerdy joke, you can’t expect your friend who studies literature to find it too funny. You know a joke about Hemingway? She’ll love that one!


 ⚫ No one enjoys being made fun of. Stay away from jokes that are offensive towards a race, gender, or beliefs.


      4. Prepare Your Jokes


Do you know what stand-up comedians do? - They write their jokes. Humor still comes naturally for them, but they don’t leave things to chance. If they walk on stage unprepared, they might do well but they may also freeze. So they simply prepare.


You can do that, too.


You surely get ideas for an awesome joke while you’re alone. Instead of calling a friend to tell it, you can simply note it down. Are you using Evernote or another note-taking app? You should! Have your collection of jokes, so you’ll always think of something when you need to brighten up the mood in the company.


How to Joke Better than Your Classmates: 5 Practical Tips