Odds are that you got one of two answers: you either belong to the huge swathe of internet users who got 1 or you’re one of the people whose answer is 16. The internet is raging with amateur and professional mathematicians debating what the real answer is. There may have been some arguments over who’s right. And some shouting. Maybe even some shoving.
Some internet users used calculators to show everyone that the answer was 16. Others referred to their ‘maths degrees’ as an appeal of authority to demonstrate that the answer was 1. Others still took this equation business a bit more seriously than you would expect, and suggested that both answers were correct… depending on what rules you use to figure out the answer.
It simple examle, in math there are much more undefined example like matrices, which one you use row-oriented or column-oriented matrix by subscription they looks indentical it can be ether row oriented or column oriented:
|2 4 3|
|6 7 8|
|9 8 2|
Same about ∙ it can be scalar multiplication or dot product in geometry.
Good math article always define operation subscription before writing formula.
... which it appears that some calculators are doing.
Work backwards to find out what the correct answer is:
8÷2(2+2)= ?
8= ? x 2(2+2)
You cannot bring over the 8÷2 because it is not bracketed.
and so 16 x 2(2+2) is obviously not 8.
The answer is 1.
8/2*(2+2) = 8/2*4 = 16
1 is the result of another question, not written in the story:
8/(2*(2+2)) = 8/(2*4) = 8/8 = 1
The second two brackets make the difference.
At first i was one of the result-is-1-idiots. While i read the story, i got my mathematical intelligence back.