Moving In With Your Partner Can Be Surprising For Both Of You (10 pics + 10 gifs)

Posted in PICTURES       7 Aug 2019       3078       GALLERY VIEW

Several conversations have gone like this:

Me – “where is my blue notebook it was on this shelf under my components box”

Her – “I cleaned up and organized everything”

Me – “Ok where is it?”

Her – “I don’t know why don’t you keep track of your stuff”


Apparently the cat I raised since she was a kitten and loved more than life itself is more than willing to abandon me and love someone else much more in a blink of an eye.


After living with him for 4 years, I opened a drawer of “his” dresser… And it was empty. All of it. Apparently he thought it was my extra dresser.

He doesn’t use a dresser. Clothes get washed and put into a “clean clothes” hamper. He puts socks and underwear in his bedside table.

Now I’m wondering what other furniture in our house is empty??


He peed in the sink. That’s all.


Izismile Videos

My girlfriend has a hard time being alone. When we’re home, basically every waking minute she wants to be together. I love her with all my heart, but sometimes I just want to be alone doing my own thing for an hour or two. Watching sports, playing guitar, gaming, etc. but when I leave for another room I can hear the disappointment in her voice. I’m working on getting her to understand my need for occasional alone time.


The true shock for me was the sheer amount of time my husband spends in the lavatory.


I have never observed my wife put a bobby pin in her hair.

I have found thousands of bobby pins in our house.


his ability to be doing nothing. He can lay on the couch and stare at the ceiling and do nothing and think nothing. And he enjoys it. I would pull a muscle or pop something from the strain if I tried to do that



I always thought of women as tidy and organized. That was until I moved in with one. I swear I spend 20 minutes a day helping SO tidy up the mess she creates in the first hour every morning. Then another 10 minutes every day searching for brushes, hairbands, make-up, clothes etc.


Definitely the food, I’d eat ramen and canned foods all the time when I was living alone. Now I get spoiled with home-cooked food. the best part though is she’s been teaching me to cook, I love our cooking school sessions after work.


Everything has a decorative pillow on it. They are too small to be used for anything, and I’m not allowed to throw them on the floor or pile them all on one chair. The bed has a bunch, and a long tube thing. I’m not allowed to wack her with the tube thing.


How much I actually talk to myself.

I never had any roommates, aside from one for like the first two weeks in college before I got moved to a single room, so I was used to just talking to myself out loud like nothing. After we moved in together and she kept asking “Who are you talking to?” and “Did you say something?” I realized that I actually talk to myself quite a bit.



How often I’d be helping her find her car keys. Eventually, I put up a hook that I was able to get her in the habit of using.


I was told that we would start arguing and being miserable. It ended up feeling like a super awesome constant sleepover. Don’t let people scare you into not moving in with a significant other if that is what you both want.


Learning that there’s a wrong way to fold towels apparently


She works from home, but the television never leaves Bravo. I leave for work, Bravo. Come home, Bravo. Go on the elliptical, Bravo. 24 f@#$ing hours of these catty women (and sometimes men) yelling at each other. Bravo always being on is like the only thing we fight about, which is probably a good thing, but Jesus Christ, always with the Bravo.



My wife and I are weird. She can’t stand clutter, but things can be gross. I’m fine with clutter, but gross things must be bleached to death. It actually works out though…She picks up my clutter, and I scrub the most disgusting stuff.


I always knew women went through TP faster than men, but I never knew how much faster they did. It got to the point, I’d just grab a pack of TP whenever I went to the store for any reason. We may not be out at home, but we will be soon I reckoned, and I was never wrong about that.


That your partner may follow you around the house, just because.


The hair, man. It gets everywhere.



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