Credit: Photo By Mojpe on Pixabay


8. Bread


Dogs can eat bread and peanut butter, but skip the peanut butter sandwich. While dogs can eat bread, it should only be fed in moderation. White and wheat bread are the safest choices to give to your dog as an occasional snack. However, keep in mind that some dogs are allergic to bread and get an upset stomach after eating it.



People Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Dog


While dogs can be given a piece of bread from time-to-time, raw bread dough should be avoided at all costs. It can cause life-threatening stomach issues in your dog. What are a few of the other foods that are toxic to dogs or just unhealthy snack ideas?



1. Grapes and Raisins


Both grapes and raisins are toxic to dogs and can cause kidney failure.



2. Salty Snacks


Chips and other salty snacks can make your dog thirsty and cause serious health issues.



3. Chocolate


Chocolate is very bad for dogs. Too much of it or the wrong kind can be fatal.



4. Avocados


The ingredients in avocados can make a dog violently sick and the seeds can get stuck in their stomach.



5. Coffee


Caffeine can be bad for dogs and humans both. Too much caffeine can also be fatal.



This is just a small sampling of foods that are bad for dogs. CyberPet has a more detailed chart about which foods to keep away from your dog.


8 Dog-Friendly Foods to Share with Your Pet