8 Dog-Friendly Foods to Share with Your Pet

Posted in INTERESTING       3 Oct 2019       783       GALLERY VIEW

Credit: Photo By ElfinFox On Pixabay


Who doesn’t sneak their pets a table scrap or two during dinner? If you notice your dog’s waist expanding, you might want to cut back on the table scraps and make better choices on the foods you choose to share with your pup.


When you’re opening a bag of chips, your dog likely comes running from a room on the other side of the house. Their sad eyes convince you to share your snack with your dog, but foods high in calories and fat aren’t good for your dog, not to mention that giving in only reinforces the begging behavior.


Instead of sharing your snacks, put some in your dog’s bowl at feeding time to help prevent unwanted begging. If your dog is overweight, certain fruits and veggies can fill your pup’s nutritional requirements. For example, veggies are full of fiber and essential vitamins that can benefit your dog’s health. 



Which People Foods are Dog-Friendly?


Not all of the foods people digest can be safely eaten by dogs. If you’re going to share your food with your dog, it’s important to know that what you’re feeding them won’t harm them or necessitate an emergency visit to the vet.


Here are 8 dog-friendly foods to share with your dog.


1. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamins and fiber while being low in fat. They are a great addition to any diet, whether you’re a dog or a person. The skins can be left on for an additional nutritional punch and a boost to the digestive system.



2. Green Beans

Green beans are one of the most versatile veggies you can give your dog because all types of green beans - steamed, raw, etc. - are safe for your dog and gives nutritional value. In fact, many vets encourage owners to use green beans in replacement of dog biscuits to help the dog lose weight. One caution, though - if feeding your dog canned green beans, be sure to choose the brand that says “no salt added” on the label.



3. Carrots

Both raw and cooked carrots are nutritional and health alternatives if your dog loves crunchy snacks. If you feed your dog a raw carrot, be sure to cut it into smaller pieces to prevent a choking hazard. Carrots can be given as snacks or added into a dog’s regular diet for weight loss.



4. Peanut Butter

Dogs love peanut butter. Many people spread it on the walls of the shower to give the dog a bath or to clip their nails. However, it is essential that you read the label. Some newer peanut butters contain xylitol, which is extremely toxic to dogs. All-natural peanut butter that is low in sugar and salt is the best choice if you’re sharing with your dog.



5. Pumpkin


Many dog owners swear by pumpkin as a means of getting a dog over an upset stomach. Rice is another food that helps settle a dog’s stomach. Pumpkin can be fed to a dog cooked or uncooked, but if you feed raw pumpkin, be sure to remove the seeds so your dog doesn’t choke.



6. Cheese


Cheese is one of the most widely used foods for hiding your dog’s medication in to ensure they take the pill. It is also rich in vitamins and fatty acids. Aged cheeses, such as cheddar and swiss, are better choices than the higher fat content of mozzarella. Snacks with cheese should be given in moderation, as cheese is high in calories.



7. Popcorn


Yes, popcorn can be shared with your dogs! But there’s a catch. Only popcorn that is unsalted and unbuttered can be consumed by the dog. The butter and salt on popcorn can lead to intestinal problems for dogs. Air-popped popcorn without any additives is the best way to let your dog have popcorn as a treat.


Credit: Photo By Mojpe on Pixabay


8. Bread


Dogs can eat bread and peanut butter, but skip the peanut butter sandwich. While dogs can eat bread, it should only be fed in moderation. White and wheat bread are the safest choices to give to your dog as an occasional snack. However, keep in mind that some dogs are allergic to bread and get an upset stomach after eating it.



People Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Dog


While dogs can be given a piece of bread from time-to-time, raw bread dough should be avoided at all costs. It can cause life-threatening stomach issues in your dog. What are a few of the other foods that are toxic to dogs or just unhealthy snack ideas?



1. Grapes and Raisins


Both grapes and raisins are toxic to dogs and can cause kidney failure.



2. Salty Snacks


Chips and other salty snacks can make your dog thirsty and cause serious health issues.



3. Chocolate


Chocolate is very bad for dogs. Too much of it or the wrong kind can be fatal.



4. Avocados


The ingredients in avocados can make a dog violently sick and the seeds can get stuck in their stomach.



5. Coffee


Caffeine can be bad for dogs and humans both. Too much caffeine can also be fatal.



This is just a small sampling of foods that are bad for dogs. CyberPet has a more detailed chart about which foods to keep away from your dog.



Dogs Can Have Allergies, Too


If your dog has constant ear infections, redness around their eyes and mouths, chronic diarrhea and hot spots on their skin, they may be allergic to their dog food. Dogs can have allergies just as often as humans do. In fact, the majority of dogs are allergic to one or more of the following ingredients commonly found in dog food:


     •   Beef

     •   Dairy

     •   Wheat

     •   Lamb

     •   Fish

     •   Soy

     •   Eggs


What do you do if you suspect your dog is allergic to his food? The first step is to take him to the vet where they do diagnostic tests to find out if your dog has allergies or another issue, such as human dander. Yep, your dog can be allergic to you just like people can be allergic to dog hair.


The next step once an allergy is confirmed is to find the best dog food for allergies and change foods to see if that helps your dog’s symptoms.



Bottom Line


Sharing your food with your pup might feel like a nice thing to do, but only if the foods are healthy and non-toxic. Some foods can be given as an occasional treat, such as ice cream, but dogs generally can’t digest dairy. Be sure to check to see if your dog can eat a certain food before handing over your snacks.







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