Compilation 4 year s ago
TLDR if you are rich enough you can just quit your job and travel a lot.
Predator 4 year s ago
Yup must be nice, I lost a lot but can hardly afford to travel to the corner store.

Bored Panda was also interested to know what people who feel tied down at work or school should do if they want to travel but are afraid to do it.

“Start small and build up! I still remember the first walk I took with Bandit. I had dreams of seeing some amazing places, and I always knew I would, I never talked myself out of being able to see these places.”

Charlie continued: “Within 2 years. Bandit and I went from our first walk to having visited 14 countries, visiting countless BBC studios, winning awards, and most of all, seeing the best side of everyone we meet.”

“Tonight, just before you sleep, write down the goal of the destination you want to go to and who with, stick it above your bed, and even in those darkest times, you’ll find a reason to achieve that reality. Put so much emotion into it that a life lived without achieving that goal or similar will not be worth living. You’ll be amazed at your innate power to achieve what you set your mind to,” Charlie said.

He added: “If you don’t, just ask yourself, what’s the alternative of not living the life you have in mind for yourself. If that alternative doesn’t make you smile, which it won’t, you’ll know the alternative isn’t worth living for! Go get ‘em, tiger!”

Guy Loses Three Of His Close Ones, Sells Everything And Goes On An Adventure With His Pet Ferret