How do British People Spend their Leisure Time?

Posted in EVERYTHING       3 Feb 2020       1852       GALLERY VIEW

How do British People Spend their Leisure Time?


Time is the mostly demanded quantity and the worst utilized by many globally. The wellbeing of any given population greatly lies on how your work life and leisure time. Recent statistics from the Office of National Statistics have shown that there is a significant relationship between the leisure time and how it fits in different lifestyles.


The statistics have further identified that men in Britain took more of their leisure time than women in 2015. Based on different factors, I have keenly explored a list of top activities people spend time doing and how people from the Queens land spend their leisure and prepared the text below for you.



#1 Sports


The sports and physical recreation have been popular in Britain for quite a long period of time. This is as a result of the tremendous efforts the government is putting in place to promote sporting activities through subsidized prices.


In most cases people spend their time either playing the game of their choice or watching as a fact of being a fan. The EU statistics has equally outlined several finding about how people spend their leisure time.


It is clear from the findings that British Citizens have a good control of their leisure time where most cherished sports and hobbies with watching having a huge followers.



#2 Friends and Family


This is yet one of the other popular activities among the British citizens. This of course goes side by side with the different trends associated commonly. For example, a group of youth may like a programme as a result of it having trends that please them, this will induce a crave for the screen hence sharing the same experience.


In such instances time is well spent with family and friends and protect the youth and other vulnerable groups from exploiting their fellow men.



#3 Meeting in Pubs


This is one common feature among the men in Britain and most parts of the world. Meeting in pubs especially during one’s leisure time for many men could be maybe to enjoy a sporting event, parting out with friends or even relaxing in a restaurant with a meal of your choice chanting stories with friends.


Most pubs in Britain have huge followers forcing them to operate 24 hours to serve the ever rising demand. The British bear is among the top brands many cherish after a day’s hustle.



#4 Gambling


Britain is the largest gambling destination offering reliable gambling environment which is friendly to both the punters and the operators of this amazing gambling business. The vice which is regulated by the UKGC and EU authorities has been popular since its legalization attracting several of the gambling games which offer exciting experience to the punters.


The activity which is practiced by many could either be for fun whirl others do it for real money. Presence of a number of the best online gambling operators in Europe that accept UK players is a clear indication that the vice is practiced by many.



#5 Watching TV


A huge population of the British citizens watch television. Statistics have shown that the average viewing time is 19 hours per person per week. Although not to a greater extent, the younger generation have a negative feeling with the television compared to the elder who rely on it for new and sports purpose.


With the high technology present in the country, most people have abandoned watching movies on movies instead many use mobile devices.



#6 Going Out for Entertainment


This is now the second most popular activity practiced during leisure time by many citizens of the country. The activity is popular when visiting friends or relations, it goes beyond to going to a friend’s house or taking a walk with a friend or relative.


Other associated activities include playing card games together pool and many other more like tournaments.



Conclusion or Importance of Balancing Leisure & Work


There is great importance when you balance your work with the amount of time you are spending on leisure activities. One main benefit is the health benefit where you will have balanced the body activities providing the body with enough time for metabolic reactions to take place and secondly it is necessary for the productivity and enjoyment of oneself.


Achieving the balance is among the key medication to a healthy living and secondly a good utility of the resource ‘Time’. Others have gone as far as contributing to the national GDP through betting and other sporting events. All this is the impact of a positive utilization of time.

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