Time 4 year s ago
apparently #9 is false - it's from two separate books Koontz & Sylvia Browne (2008).Had to look up though. Apparently Koontz changed his Wuhan from "Gorki-400" in the second edition and Browne's was out 8 years after SARS. On the face of it quite scary - thanks internet! Now quite calm after meds prescribed by Dr Google!
Following 4 year s ago
This image lazy loading is a new annoyance. Thanks Izismile.
Experience 4 year s ago
#21 It's a race called Belgian Blue
Zebra 4 year s ago
#10 it looks like staged photo
Pretty 4 year s ago
Hold a second @Time so what you’re really saying is that despite the slightly misleading picture the books still are very creepy in their predictive text. So it’s not false as you and many establishment eco chambers claim it to be. Also noted your immediate response, picture published 2 hours ago, your response 2 hours ago. Triggered much? The Google prescription is truly precious! Sadly this is nothing new books, tv shows, films, comics, card games and other media consumables all too often predict horrible events that are designed to coral society in the desired direction of those who wield power and see the masses as nothing more then disposable assets. Boy oh boy do they hate being called out on their blatant predictive programming.
Christmas 4 year s ago
Pretty (above): "events that are designed to coral society in the desired direction."

Coral society? Coral??? Under the sea? Weird point, but if you say so.

Or you can calm down, relax, and stop attacking people.
Party 4 year s ago
The Dean Koontz book is incorrect the left page is from Sylvia Browns book and the the right back is from Dean Koontz..
This is how misinformation is spread.
Do you GOD DAMN research!!!
Fishermen 4 year s ago
“Always leave a spelling eror as low hanging fruit”
“Provide the ad hominem argument they so desperately crave, give them the opportunity to avoid the issue at hand”
The Dubya Bush avatar is fitting 35

This is cute, do you understand the concept of a time line? Koonz book was published 1981, Brownes book published in 2008. The current year is 2020. When you say something prior 2020 and it happens post that date that’s called prediction, foreknowledge or coincidence. It’s not rocket science but the fact that modern day people struggle with this basic concept and rely on their thinking to be done for them by Reuters and NYT is most disturbing. My heart goes out to the millennials who’s ability to think critically has been utterly destroyed. The world has failed you more than many of you will ever know.
Funny 4 year s ago
Okay, okay, he's right. The pope and the illuminates had a meeting at the bilderberger conference and made this evil plan to spread Corona.
Beautiful 4 year s ago
man o man.. what would we do without izismile educators??...
Other 4 year s ago
@Funny and @Beautiful Wow couldn’t ask for a better example of pro establishment gov troll army panic reactionaries. When called out on blatant spin, lies and attempts to control the narrative avoid addressing the logical arguments and issue at hand. Instead revert to labeling and demonizing with “conspiracy theory” jargon and mockery. Can’t thank you geniuses enough for participating! It’s just so easy! Exposure is coming... sleep tight! 36
Wonderful 4 year s ago
#31 the process of gold recovery from electronics generates more hazardous waste, which requires even more resources for proper disposal than any amount of gold recovered.
Carwash 4 year s ago
#50 those aren't 'Deep sea' anything...

Those are microscopic bugs, one of which looks an awful lot like it could be a Tardigrade (bottom right).

Seriously, who is posting this sh#t and NOT fact-checking anything? dash
Dinner in the sky, Dubai.

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