Natural Born Killers (1994)
What people think it is: A hyper-violent film about a murderous couple going on a rampage.
What it is: The modern-day Bonnie and Clyde’s obsession with the media and becoming famous is an indictment of our fascination with violence. We know that violence sells, and the media will tune into it in an attempt to lure audiences, and we’ll eat it all up.
With an IMDb Score of 8.8 I wouldn´t call it underrated.
Marvellous Soundtrack by the Dust Brothers btw
H.R.Giger desingning the Harkonnen chairs and table adds to the unique atmosphere. Great cast including Juergen Prochnow, Virginia Madsen, Kyle McLachlan, Max v. Sydow, Dean Stockwell, Patrick Stewart and Sting(!)
Looking forward to see the new iteration!
"Tucker: The Man and His Dream"