Samuel 4 year s ago
I hade the same awful teacher in englis hand sport. In english he gave back a clas work. He didn'T gave back mine, he said to the whole class rhat this was mine and said, here the funny things he wrote and read out lout some parts with mistakes (I'M not good at foreign langueges) it was "so funny" nobody laughed.
The same teacher two years later in sport, we were asked to dive 25 Meters. Those who didn'T made it had to try it the whole year at the beginnig of each course. After one month I was the only one who had to do this. For three more month every swimming class started by: every one was sitting down and I hat to try to dive 25 meters (I was good at long distant running, average basketball player, but was an awful swimmer and not suprisingly I still hate swimming)
Della 4 year s ago
Half of these the students are whiney bitches. Suck it up, grow a pair and tell the teacher where to stick it. Then escalate to next level, i.e. principal.
Welcome to life, it won't get better.
Madge 4 year s ago
Everybody probably had at least one along the way. Mine waited until I was at college and taking the class I had been waiting for while I got through the prerequisites was Abnormal psychology. It was a summer course that met for longer on less days and only ran six weeks. The guy teaching it wouldn't stop talking about his "practice downtown" which I felt was funny at first, especially since most first year psych students have the bad habit of trying to "analyze" themselves. Well that never stopped. To make matters worse we had a British student, who was a very friendly guy, but very ignorant and asked amazingly stupid questions the entire course. Oh and this guy didn't know what a positron emission tomography scan was or what it was for. A practice downtown. Yikes.
Chloe 4 year s ago
I Had a teacher whose husband was a cop in town. She was preggo and just went on and on about her pregnancy with the female students, never taught a lick from the book, and hated white kids like me. I had asked to test out of her class, as it was my first period class of the day, and I was also working full time to support myself, after having emancipated myself from horrible home life, and being a senior, working nights full time and living on two hours sleep daily I didn't want to discuss how the baby kicked or morning sickness. I needed the 1/2 credit from advancing in her class to graduate, and after waiting all year, buying the cap/gown, class ring, yearbook- the works- was in the second week of graduation practice and got the notice that I failed her class! my ring, yearbook, cap/gown were to be forfeited to a student "that deserved it and was going to graduate" with no financial reimbursement. Pleaded with the state board of education and was denied the credit- had to repeat the class the following school year with underclassmen, and was denied again- same class same teacher. Konawaena High school, Kealakekua, Hawaii, class of 1980. Two months after graduation I got pulled over by her husband who put a tiny pinch of grass clippings from yard mowing that were strewn on the floorboard of my car into the biggest ziplock baggie I had ever seen, busted me for pot possession- 43 grams. I Was no longer a minor so it went on my adult record as a drug bust.
Veda 4 year s ago
Read: "Bullyocracy": How the Social Hierarchy Enables Bullies to Rule Schools, Work Places, and Society at Large by Donald Jeffries. A real eye opener!
Felty 4 year s ago
Had a teacher fire a submachinegun out the classroom window when I was 13. Blanks though..
Erick 4 year s ago
I was in a special education class. learned all the same materials, just a smaller class, like 10 kids instead of 30. Anyway, one day we had a sub, and he was just chatting away on his cellphone. and we're like hey, we gonna learn anything? he told us to shut up. then said over the phone that he was "watching a class full of retards". yeah, we made damn sure that guy never became a teacher. that f@#kin retard lol

“The community college teacher who locked the doors so students couldn’t get in or out of her classroom. A student told her that’s illegal and, at the very least, she is breaking the fire code. She said, “if you have a compliant go to the office and file one. If enough students complain a committee ‘might’ look at it. If they do, a ruling is still months away, and as a tenured professor, and personally friends with many people on this committee, I can tell you nothing will come of it.” Also all she did is try and sell us some self published book she wrote.”

Not All Teachers Are Great… (7 pics + 13 gifs)