“In the early 1980’s I went to a Catholic school up until 8th grade. In fifth grade we had to do a report on a country in Europe. I was assigned Russia’s political history. I worked really hard on my report, and was already nervous about standing up in front of the class to give my speech. While giving my report, I had a very hard time pronouncing these very hard Russian names. I remember struggling and tried painfully to get through it. My teacher made me stop in the middle of my report and told me to sit down. Then she said, “Class, (my name) is a prime example of not being prepared.” “Learn from (my name).” I was so young and that affected me greatly. Thanks Mrs. K for planting the seed of anxiety, which I will have for the rest of my life. You truly made a lasting impression on one of your students.”
The same teacher two years later in sport, we were asked to dive 25 Meters. Those who didn'T made it had to try it the whole year at the beginnig of each course. After one month I was the only one who had to do this. For three more month every swimming class started by: every one was sitting down and I hat to try to dive 25 meters (I was good at long distant running, average basketball player, but was an awful swimmer and not suprisingly I still hate swimming)
Welcome to life, it won't get better.
Read: "Bullyocracy": How the Social Hierarchy Enables Bullies to Rule Schools, Work Places, and Society at Large by Donald Jeffries. A real eye opener!