Finding products to sell  is not easy. Sometimes the product looks  good on paper, but when you try to sell  it you find that there is too much  competition or not enough demand or it's  just too expensive and you don't have  the money to buy the inventory. What  should I sell there's the question I  asked far too often and in this section  I'll try to answer it the most important  part of a product is to understand what  a niche product is.

A niche product is one that targets a very specific group of people.

For example,  take this Toyota Camry a very  traditional family sedan popular all  over the world and compared it to this  Ferrari both are costs both have engines  steering wheels and four tyres, but  that's where the similarities end. The  family sedan appeals to everyone but the  both the supply and demand for this  vehicle is high especially when you  compare it to the Ferrari. The  family sedan appeals to the masses the  Ferrari is not for us very specific  group of people, namely automobile  enthusiasts with a lot of money who  don't mind paying a hundred thousand  dollars for a car.

The Ferrari has far  less demand and even less supply than  the Toyota, the Ferrari is therefore a niche product, whereas the sedan is a  mass product. niche products are in  limited supply because there is less  demand. The target a specific group of  people and for the customer they are a  bit harder to find. If there is one thing  you remember from this article is this: don't sell mass products - sell niche products. 

Why You Should Always Sell Niche Products When It Comes To AliExpress Dropshipping?