Just Wanted To Earn A Quick Buck… (VIDEO)

Posted in VIDEO       19 Jun 2020       2974       3


Eben 4 year s ago
looks like hes a bad driver and has no balls to admit that he made a mistake... this sh#t happened to me 15 years ago and guess what.. no witnesses and no dashcam. my dad and i drove to his flat and tried to talk to him, and the whole family (wife + atleast 2 kids) were scared and called the police. we were told to leave and that was it.
i had to pay the damage... i was really angry about this guy for more then 10 years.. i was so mad i was close to send him a pighead (he was turkish) via delivery.. or to stab his tires...stuff u think about when ur mad... but finally i understood that he probably was in a bad situation and about to loose his job as a delivery truck driver and this was his reason to lie. he wanted to protect his family from bankruptcy.
why do i tell this story? i hope that people can learn from this and wont waste 10 years of their life with hate.. cause everyone got problems, some financially, some physicly, others mentaly...blahblahblah
think twice or even 3 or more times before u judge someone by a single action and dont forget that there are only some @$$holes in the world but u notice them so much easier...

have a nice weekend everyone! 41
Veda 4 year s ago
Too many witnesses for it to be fraud. Even the car beside him saw the guy backing up. It was not in reverse gear as no backup lights. It still could of been for fraud but was dumb the way he did it. Just a old driver who did not notice it was out of gear and took his foot off the break.
Antonia 4 year s ago
time to give up driving old man, what is with the mask in the car? crazy sheeple


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