“The Haolai River in China is the narrowest in the world, flowing for 10.56 miles (17 km) in Inner Mongolia, emptying into Dalai Nur Lake, averaging only 4.7 in (12 cm) wide and 19.67 in (50 cm) deep. It has been flowing for over 10 millennia and is fed by an underground spring.”
How does that work exactly? Are the 126,000 dead people in the US all crisis actors?
Covid isn't seasonal, so you can't just wait it out like the flu, since it doesn't just go "around every year". It's also killed several times more folks in 5 months than the flu does in a year in the US. Comparing it to a seasonal virus that typically kills between 3,000 and 50,000 each year in the US seems a little tenuous, logic-wise. Shutting things down during a pandemic is pretty standard practice. The US just wasn't serious about it, and so is going to suffer the fallout of their weak and disorganized response. Many other countries are doing far far better at this point.
They are faking the numbers
It's amazing that there is people like this poster who think its a hoax. What will it tke for you all to realize its real? A family member or loved one to die?
Fooled into what? Wearing a cloth mask when you go to the store? Who's the idiot? Adapt or die. Those who fear change are doomed.
My dead friend, Mother-in-law, cousin and the to thousands of cases I have personally documented all agree. You are the worst kind of monster.
Marjorie, I. Collect the data for a major Health network. I am not taking.
No one said they were. They're looking at spread pattern in saliva. Oil and water arent the same, but spread patterns would be similar when sprayed.
Looking at the pattern...and doing a sketchy job of it. What kind of mask? How long had they worn it before the test? How much airflow was in the area? What was the temperature and humidity? How long was the test plate exposed?
There are a hell of a lot of significant factors, this is not even close to the full story.
Yeah, if only Dr. Richard Davis, Director of the clinical microbiology laboratory at Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center had explained any of that in his write ups...