13 is so true. Lockdown didn't change much. For Introverts and people with a small budget. We didn't had money before for going out, eating out or going to bars and restaurants. Life went on like before, online deliveries are just easier and cheaper.
"Being an introvert doesn’t necessarily mean you hate social interaction. If you’re like me, you may love interacting with people and the only thing that makes you an introvert is that interaction is draining and you need time alone to recharge."
13 is so true. Lockdown didn't change much. For Introverts and people with a small budget. We didn't had money before for going out, eating out or going to bars and restaurants. Life went on like before, online deliveries are just easier and cheaper.
Yyes! It's the same for me AND my wife. Luckily I am married to an introvert. So we can enjoy times together & times for ourself. I love it.