#7 an MRI for a pug, just think what that costs. The "Pug" breed has been bred so badly that most have horrible respiratory problems. Cases of blindness and their eyes slipping or popping out of their eye sockets due to skull malformation are common. Want a dog with insanely high vet bills just to have the doctors tell you there's not a lot they can do? Get a pug, you'll be miserable and so will your poor choice of a dog.
#7 an MRI for a pug, just think what that costs. The "Pug" breed has been bred so badly that most have horrible respiratory problems. Cases of blindness and their eyes slipping or popping out of their eye sockets due to skull malformation are common. Want a dog with insanely high vet bills just to have the doctors tell you there's not a lot they can do? Get a pug, you'll be miserable and so will your poor choice of a dog.
good one, Alfy thinks just because she can say something it's automatically true. useful idiots will believe her, the rest of us wont