Chocolate From Heaven? It Snows Chocolate on a Swiss Town

Would it be amazing or terrifying if it started snowing chocolate in your hometown? Well, it did snow chocolate in Olten, a small town in northern Switzerland. It was not, however, a natural occurrence. It was as a result of a glitch at a local chocolate factory.

A ventilation glitch at a section of Lindt & Sprüngli company that makes "cocoa nibs" caused the unnatural phenomenon. Apparently, string morning winds blew roasted cocoa nibs high in the air towards the town. As the winds subsided, the blast of powdered chocolate began to descend on everything - people, rooftops, even the streets.

Residents of Olten town were surprised by the delicious dark-colored snow. They could not immediately figure out what was happening but the company eventually owned up to being the cause of the phenomenon.  They also offered to pay for any costs associated with cleaning the town and restoring its pristine condition.

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