“I had the good fortune of meeting Jack Black once in 2006 after a Tenacious D concert. He was by far THE NICEST celebrity I have ever met. To paint a picture, we were all waiting out back of the auditorium near his tour bus, and I’d say there were roughly 40 – 50 fans split on either side of a walkway from the back door to the bus. When Jack came out everyone started cheering, and then suddenly hushed up because he was pushing his then- newborn son, Sam in a stroller. Once Sam was on the tour bus, Jack went to the person nearest the door, and took pictures, etc. And spent at least 30 seconds to a minute with every single person waiting for him. When he got to me, I asked him to sign my replica Pick of Destiny. He took it from me, signed it and then scrunched up his face and started shaking. After that, he gave it back to me and said, “now it has the power.”