Bonus: stories from Internet users about how pleasant honesty can be
"Once, as I was getting out of my car on a winter evening in −22°F weather, I saw a glove in the snow. I picked it up and brought it to the concierge. It turned out that the glove was mine. It has been there for 3 days."
Germans don't joke around. If someone volunteers on a regular basis, we call it "Ehrenamt" – honorable office. No laughing matter. Move along.
i wouldn't go so far as to translate this to 'under surveilance'.. that implies to me that there's a camera on it. (it would translate to overwatch, but that doesn't make sense in this context:) i'd say "are checked"'re missing the point here!
In the netherlands, around me in a circle of about 10km that is, I see a lot of these: eggs, tomatoes, strawberries, pumpkins, mushrooms, books, milk, etc.
yeah, the world isn't bad, there's just a few d@#ks that spoil it.
it helps to see the world and get out of your homogeneous echo chamber.
keep up that negativity!