Olympus Mons on Mars, the largest volcano in our solar system, compared to Arizona.
The United States of America: Alaskan perspective
Wolf distribution in Italy from 1900 to 2020
Euler diagram-map of the British Isles
The true size of New Guinea.
Light blue is a map as we know it and dark blue is the actual size of each country.
The Shire – English counties ending in ‘shire’
Places Named Victoria
Countries who call it ‘football’ VS who call it ‘soccer’
Exaggerated Elevation Map of California
The Topography of Italy
I (tried to) make a topographic pie of the United States.
Each States Biggest Export Trading Partner
World Map excluding countries with under 100m people.
Roundels by country.
It would be longer to drive from Malmö to Abisko, both in Sweden, than to drive from Malmö to Rome through five countries.
Europe 1444 without any writing.
Light pollution map of Europe.
A map I made of every image that came up first when I searched each country’s name.
Pitcairn Island – one of the least populated and most remote territories in the world.
Relative value of $100