Demerias 4 year s ago
is #10 true? That is pretty f@#ked up
Almira 4 year s ago

What is f@#ked up is that they believe they are entitled to money that belongs to someone else ....because...REASONS!!


What is f@#ked up is that they believe they are entitled to money that belongs to someone else ....because...REASONS!!
Patty 4 year s ago
Demerias, what's f@#ked up is if the whiners who are NOT billionaires worked a few weekends at U.S. minimum wage and donated that money (call it $1,000 per person), they would raise about $1T more than stealing it from someone else. Stop whining about other peoples' wealth and start doing something your own damn self.
Pherbia 4 year s ago
#4 didn’t do the math very well. 1% of .0912% is .00912%. The 6.5 million Finns number is +/- 1%, or 65,000 Finns. It’s idiotic to conclude there’s a 50/50 chance there are no Finns.

Sorry, .000912%
Pherbia 4 year s ago
#10 is leftist bullsh*t. It would neither end world hunger nor halt climate change.

If Jeff Bezos is worth $188 billion, is it somehow a good thing to take $187 billion away from him? That’s a wealth tax of over 99%. Almost $170 billion of his wealth is in Amazon stock. Who would take ownership of his company away from him, a government? That’s Socialism. Karl Marx would be proud.
Vicki 4 year s ago
All the stuff about wealthy is BS, particularly #10. Net worth is not the same as income. If the gov confiscated 100% of those assets from every person valued over $1B, they would be lucky to get 1/4 of the appraised value. Selling things like stock changes its value.
Then add on the fact that NOBODY knows how much it would cost to "fix" the issues they list, assuming they can be fixed or, conversely, are issues.
Knowing how to do algebra doesn't make you intelligent.
Littleberry 4 year s ago
#45 - I want to know how the guy pedaling the pennyfarthing waterwheel keeps his balance.
Elswood 4 year s ago
There is enough food to feed the world population 1,5 times over at the moment.
Hunger is a business, because the price is defined by scarcity.
To keep the prices stable food gets thrown away.
Climate is defined by the average weather in a certain time, for example a decade.
Regarding Climate, the only constant is change.

We are at the end of an ice age btw, so it's only natural glaciers and permafrost thaw.
Roberta 4 year s ago
lol math is fun to dream about but means little to nothing when applied outside of its own system
Cora 4 year s ago
#35 If she was that committed to recording TV history so was willing to shell out all of that money, she could easily have bought directly from a distributor at wholesale prices. Maybe even got a preferential pricing for regular purchasing.

I wonder how OCD she was. Like was she recording every local, national, UHF, and cable channels available where she lived. Did she do it by herself or hire people to change the tapes in her banks of VCRs? Did she have a normal day job? Where was she warehousing those tapes? If this was a one woman operation, imaging having to program all those VCRs to stagger when they'd start recording. If I remember correctly, at the lowest quality recording, a VHS tape only lasts 6 hours.
Joy 4 year s ago
#47 It does not say that the total area of solar panels have to be located in one place. Transporting this much energy wouldn't be a problem.
Washington 4 year s ago
Number 35 is wrong, Marion Stokes was born in 1929 not 1979. That means they need to add another 50 Years to the final answer.
Christiana 4 year s ago
Buy a Lottery Ticket? Hell No! Here's why:
The odds of winning the lottery are in multiples of millions.
For our case, let's say the odds are 1 in one million. So what is 1 in a million?
Take a golf ball and measure it's diameter which is 1.68 inches.
Now, place your golf ball in with one million golf balls and place them in a line.
Your job is to pick out your golf ball from the line.
You would have a line of golf balls 26.51 Miles long to select from!
Bad odds I'd say.
They Definitely Did The Math