“This chipmunk came and sat in the chair on my front porch to eat his acorn."
“My son found a pink grasshopper.”
“This lizard sleeps in the same spot on my pineapple plant every night. I’ve named him Ringo.”
“This random one-legged bird fell out of the sky onto my canopy. It just stared at me for a long while, then flew to the neighbor’s roof.”
“I got a high-five (four, actually) from this tiny frog today.”
“A macaw resting on my balcony.”
“Looked outside to see a bird looking into my house.”
“I once woke up and there was a raccoon outside my window.”
“Met this pretty lady on my walk today.”
“The baby fox at my grandmother’s house has a friend, and they’re chasing each other.”
“I found five newborn blue-tongued skinks under a pile of shoes.”
“My cat and a passing-through deer locked eyes for about 5 minutes. I think it was the highlight of my cat’s entire life”
“Twelve, count ’em, twelve trash pandas!”
“A big goofy boy!”
“My mother put a house out for a stray cat in the neighborhood. This isn’t the cat she was expecting to find”