
How Sun Tunnels Work (VIDEO)

Posted in VIDEO       1 Mar 2021       3301       14


Lola 4 year s ago
How does it work at night when you really need light?
Pinckney 4 year s ago

u can turn on the light....

but u also can save a lot of electricity at day in the industries - so its a good step anyway...
Mitzie 4 year s ago
these would be ideal for mine shafts or any other underground installation you'd only use half the energy when you most need the light.
i wonder if this would work at the bottom of the ocean
Sibbell 4 year s ago
As a construction guy, that light tunnel sh#t aint gonna fit anywhere unless they make the buildings much bigger, which costs more money and takes more energy to heat.

Onnie 4 year s ago
Sibbell, Huh?! OK Construction Guy....I have three in my 2000 sq/ft (~186 sq/m) house and the heat loss is negligible. The reflective tubes are 10 inches in diameter.
Brady 4 year s ago
Onnie, Construction guy said nothing about heat loss. He spoke of larger space to accommodate those 10-inch tubes, the increased cost associated with that larger space, and the increase in energy to heat that larger space.
Comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it?
Mitzie 4 year s ago

i should also point out that any web page you go to is also delivered by fiber optic cable

when you had the internet installed in your house, did they increase the size of your home to accommodate all that light traveling into your computer?
Zeph 4 year s ago
Next week episode: How a window works.
Regina 4 year s ago
For solar pannels which lose a lot of productivity when the light doesn't hit them at a 90° angle.
Regina 4 year s ago

(No edit option...) but you risk burning the solar pannel by focusing too much light on it.
Mitzie 4 year s ago
Sibbell, construction guy, a "sun Tunnel" is nothing more than a solar collector and a solar collector can be used to distribute light to a given area.

they have this new technology, its called "fiber optics" and it does this really neat thing, it takes a light source like the sun. and moves it along a fiber optic glass strand the thickness of a human hair' a "fiber optic cable" am inch in diameter can have a few thousands of the "light emitting strands" and can be easily run down a elevator shaft

here is the definition of "light"

"Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength which can be detected by the human eye. It is a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum and radiation given off by stars like the sun. ... Light exists in tiny energy packets called photons. Each wave has a wavelength or frequency."

you can just call me LASER guy, LASER being an acronym meaning “light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation.”

as a "laser guy" one of my jobs was to deliver "LASER" light via mirrors to a location which could be a mile away, why i could even direct the LASER light around corners using a mirror on a stand, of course the light i was moving around was in the infrared spectrum so you couldn't see it with the naked eye and could burn you if you happen to stray in front of it by accident

stick with construction, science is beyond your skill level
Mitzie 4 year s ago

i worked for Mobil Solar Corp back in the 90's, we ere trying to extend the life of a panel beyond 25 years.

one of the process we'd put them through was to heat and cool them in an environmental chamber where we could age them 25 yeas within a few weeks then to put them under a solar lamp and test the output.

burning a solar panel is kind of hard to do unless you throw it on a raging bonfire.

the squares you see on a solar panel is actually a crystal that absorbs sunlight and produces an electrical discharge .

these crystals are grown in a chamber under high temperature, its really an interesting process because they are grown in an octagon shape the rises as they are being created so when you finish you have something that is about 20 ft tall in the octagon shape but has a very thin cross section, these are then cut up into the little thin squares that are connected with the metal strand you see on top.

then a sheet of high density plastic sheet is placed on a table and a clear rubbery materiel is laid on top of that, the the solar sells that are all connected, then another rubbery sheet and on top of that is high impact glass.

the table is rolled over to a press and the solar panel is slid onto this table. a top is closed over it and a seal prevents any air from getting in, next a vacume is pulled and the panel is now sandwiched between the table and the cover which has a rubber membrane to squeeze out any air that may get trapper inside the panel as it cooks the panel and laminates everything between the high density plastic sheet and the glass.

once the panel is finished laminating it is taken out and inspected to see if any air bubbles are present, if there are the bubbles are circled with a marker and the panel is rejected, they still work they just aren't used because these are being tested for longevity.

the panel that pass go for $5000 but have about $5 of actual material in them.

the ones that fail were put aside and sold to employees from anywhere between $5 and $15 mostly to cover the material thats in a panel

a panel was 4 ft by 8 ft

out of 100 made you had maybe 6 that failed

i made one using one crystal square that that was 6 inches by 6 inches that i used to power my walkmen so when i went to the beach and wanted to listen to music on my headphones id just plug the little panel into the charging port and just lay it on the sand and wouldn't need batteries.

this was back in the 90's and people asked me where i bought it because they wanted one. i could have made a bunch of them and sold them for $25 a pop. Mobil discouraged doing that
Mitzie 4 year s ago
a solar panel angled at 90 deg would not work, the corerct angel is somewhere between 18 to 45 degree so that they are in positron on a roof to work at optimum efficiency

you also have to take in the angel of the sun, during winter solar panels need to be angled differently because the sun is lower on the horizon

in the summer you dont need to do this and a solar panel laying flat will absorb just as much light as one angled at 45 deg,
Christian 4 year s ago
Next week, moon tunnels.

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