"The front door to my house has a key code instead of a standard key lock. A few years ago i was away from home and my buddy texted me asking for the code because he had forgotten a sweater or something at my house a few days prior. It wasn't a big deal, I’ve known him since middle school, and he's one of my best friends.
I told him just to go in because my other roommate was gone for the night. I get a call around midnight from my friend, he was f@#ked up, and told me that he had some people over at my house and it got a little out of hand, and it had turned into a full blown party. I was so f@#king mad, but i couldn't get home till the next day.
My place was pretty wrecked, and i found a bunch of weird s@#t in my bathroom. Cut up soda cans, baking soda etc. I called my friend to see what the f@#k happened, and I guess some dude was cooking crack in my bathroom. "
...the amount of ignorance in your comment speaks for itself.